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He thought he is relieved.

Last 3 months were not easy for him ..

professionally, personally, and emotionally it was altogether a roller coaster ride. He thought about the awesome plans he made on this day to celebrate the year of togetherness but situation is completely changed between them and he finds himself too helpless to make it correct. He tried all his stupid antique , sometimes to make her jealous and regret for leaving him , some time for mere sadistic pleasure. But nothing soothed his heart . It was still him missing her and wants to get back in her life like anyway but she still didn't melted .
She was right , I am like stone and he was still hoping to get that stone heart back as it was deep and soft as wind inside. He was awake and thought about her whole night , he missed der stupid moments and shared some on SM in a hope she might notice it and comes back .
He thought about all this whole night and decided he shall move on from all this as it's simply not working and killing him inside.

He packed his bag and left the country early morning to be with his best pal . He is the only one who can understand this situation and might help him to get out of it emotionally .

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