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He landed, called his friend and informed him about his arrival, his friend invited him that night to celebrate the upcoming year together.

Although he was expected to meet him immediately to get distracted but his friend has his own life and girlfriend to look upto so it's ok . He hired a cab and held towards his hotel to take some rest . He checked in and slept for few hours . He woke up and saw his room is all mess as his things were all over around the room . He checked his phone and saw he is already late for the party .. he immediately unpacked his bags and first thing he noticed were the stupid gifts she gave him few months back on his birthday and smiled. He shoot a video with it and posted it in a hope she might notice it too that she is still with him in a way or another. 

He thought why the hell he is still thinks about her .. why do he care she must know that he is still carrying her gifts . He thought I came so far to get distracted but still it's not working. She is still effecting him . He was so confused about his feelings. He was unable to get out of these emotions. Suddenly his phone buzzed and he received text of his pal who was still waiting for him at the venue. He pulled the black and left for the night after getting ready .

He reached , met him and his GF.. he tried to discuss about the matter and they both suggested to not overthink . Just follow his heart and if still it's not working find some distraction. He was still not satisfied with the friendly counseling and was getting more emotionally drained coz of the situation. His friends were busy with eachother. He was happy for them and was jealous too as it made him miss her more .. suddenly a waiter passes with tequila shots on a tray . He stops and take few shots to get distracted. But it failed too .. his emotions were uncontrollable now and he started uttering them to the world in a hope she gets the message. I love you, I will love you , always love you ❤. It's beyond my hands now .. I can't stop loving you. Be happy wherever you are all I can ask now. Happy new year.

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