Chapter 1!

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Chapter 1

Hey guys who read this!

This is my first story so it’s not really good.

I will thanks some people first

@R5er4ever20 who did the cover, the description and the whole idea! A big thanks!

And after that I will thanks my bestie @R5family-rosslover and a very good friend @Ceciisawesome!

Now let the story begin!


*Laura’s POV*

“And… cut!”

Me and Ross walk out of “the practice room” on Austin and ally set.

“ So Laura I was wonder if we could you know… go out sometime…”Ross said really nervous.

Yay he asks me out!!

“As friends of course” he quickly added.

“ yeah, as friends of course it’s not like we don’t use to do that we are best friends” I nervous laughed.

Oh smoth Laura now it’s an awkward selince, no its not, then why are you talking to yourself when Ross just sand there?, oh shut up…

“ We can go now if you want?”

Thank god he break the awkward selience, told ya it was an awkward selinec!, yeah, yeah…

“Yeah, I just grab my purse and I meet you in the lobby in ten!”

“ Good!, see ya!” and with that he left.

I must stop he would never like me, I mean he look hot and I are just me.

I go to my room here on Austin and Ally set.

When I open my door I fund Raini on my sofa.

“ Hey” I say surprising.

“ Hi! Are you ready for your girl day?”

Oh no.

“ Was that today, I say to Ross that I will meet him in the lobby in ten so we could go out”

“ It’s ok, he will understand that you promise me first”

“ I’m sorry Raini but I kind of choose Ross”

“ Have I missed something  like you two are something?”

“ No”

“ So why do you choose him before me your best friend?”

“I have told you about my crush on him, but you are so selfish that you don’t even know that?” I yell at her. “And don’t take this wrong but Ross are actually my best friend” I said more calm.

She don’t answer and stomp out of my room but when she open the door one red hired and one blond boy fall to the floor.

“ Ow” Calum groaned.

“ Where you guys spying on us?” I ask with little scared tone of my voice.

Think if he heard me? Think if he knows I love him, wait say I just love?

Ross stands up socked “ Yes, you just said you love him”

“ Wait did I think that loud?”

“ Yes” they all said unison.

“Oops” I look down at my feet.

“Are you ready to leave” Ross asks me.

“ Yeah” I replied

Raini stomp of and Calum follow her.

“ Do you think they are something?” I ask Ross while we go down the hall.

“ You mean Raini and Calum?”

I nodded

“ Yeah, U?”

“ Yeah, so where are we going?”

“ I think the beach!”

“ Yay! But I don’t have any bikini”

“ And I don’t have any swimming trunks, so we stop and buy on our way there!”


We go to his car and he drive to the store.

“So who are your crush?” Ross ask and sound little sad.

What I can’t say it’s him, what would I say?

“Whhaat?” I say after a while.

“Me and Calum heard you yell at Raini” he say.

Right they heard me, so should I say the truth or lie? If I lie and he feel the same way I can ruin our relationship, but if I tell him and he don’t like me the same way he would laugh and left me because a nerd like me think a cool, hot, smart, funny, Laura!Boy will never like me! You must choose now Laura! Truth, lie, truth, lie, truth, lie, truth, lie, truth…

“ Laura, Laura, Laura!” Ross waved in front of my face.

“ Huh?”

“ First can we go in to the store we have stand here for five minutes and second who are your crush?”

“ First yeah c’mon and second you” I said the last part fast.

“ What?” Ross asks me while we started to go in to Forever 21

“ Ross I say you, you are mine crush and I understand if you don’t feel the same way but I think I should be honest to you and…” Ross cut me off with his lips on mine.

Hey again! So that was the first chapter, what do you guys think? And I know it is the first chapter and Raura already happened but I think I know what I do…or not... oh! and before I forgot if it is some grammatical wrong tell me, I speak Swedish usually.

Don’t forget to follow my friends, comment and vote!

Love you guys!


P.s if you wonder something or just want to talk just send me a message here or on kik my name is: Smurfhunlan.

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