Chapter 1

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8 months and 22 days. That's 37 weeks. 262 Days. We can break it down to 6288 hours but hey, who's that upset and hurt that they'd keep in mind how long they've been completely forgotten by the people she would call the closest thing to family? Not Lucy Heartfilia, nope. She would never dread walking into the guild everyday. She would never try to find a mission and leave before anyone would properly acknowledge that she had been there for an hour and no one has noticed she even existed. Well, there were a select group of people who would make the effort to talk to her, check up on how life is going; to make sure that she hasn't gone crazy that people have essentially forgotten about their celestial mage. 

Wendy, Romeo, Cana, Laxus and his team, Happy, Charla, Pantherlily, Gajeel, Juvia, Master Makarov- hell, even First master Mavis! Of course, there were those small moments she'll converse with Gray, Mirajane, and Levy but these were the only ones who would make the effort to go to her. To talk to her as if she wasn't annoying, or wasting their time. Where is said female? She's sitting at the far end of the bar next to Cana, her designated spot as of 6 months ago, sipping on a vanilla milkshake that was made ready for her before she even stepped foot, thanks to Cana who arrived early and waited for the blonde. 

Cana was concerned for the usually spunky, over dramatic, and fun mage. It feels like every week, she comes in later, looking more and more pale and depressed. She's lost so much weight that the select group have to make sure she eats at least twice a day and not starve herself. Lucy's usual tube tops and miniskirts have long since been replaced with long cargo esque pants and simple tanktops. Sometimes she'll wear a long sleeved top to hide herself some more. Like now, Lucy was in those long, somewhat unattractive pants in black and a white short sleeved tee, hair in a messy bun that she doubts was properly brushed, and playing with the straw with her fingers. 

It's heart breaking and Cana knows that she isn't the only one who thinks so. 

"Hey L-"

"Hey, Luce!" The blonde and brunette at the sound of a very loud pink hair, fire breathing mage calling out for the person he hasn't so much as breathed in the same direction as. Poor Lucy, looking as if she was looking at a ghost yet in euphoria for being spoken to by the man, she had admitted to Cana, that she loves. Watching, Cana saw her slouched position shift to upright, smile disappearing as Natsu walked over with his arm around Lisanna's waist. 

Lisanna. Don't get things mistaken, Lisanna is and will forever be apart of the heart of this guild. However, since her return from Edolas, things haven't been the same. She makes these comments that you wouldn't believe would come out of a girl like her. Her presence as a whole had gone from sweet to sour, nasty, and fake. It's hard for Cana to get a proper read on her. 

Behind the couple- yes, couple- was Erza, Gray, and Happy. Erza had her strong face on, yet her eyes were sorrowful. Gray was glaring at the back of Natsu's head in a way that screamed 'I want to kick your ass', and Happy was sniveling while perched on Gray's head. Natsu and Lisanna, they weren't exactly smiling, but they were in a better emotional state than the ones behind him. Glancing around, Cana saw many people watching what was happening. There were mumbles, most of them talking about not noticing Lucy was even in the guild today. Figures. 

"H-Hi everyone." Goodness, the way Lucy's voice cracked even made her cringe, but there was excitement in her voice. Real excitement and joy that she and the others had a hard time getting out of her. 

"We've decided to make some changes to the group. Lisanna is going to take your place in Team Natsu. Nothing personal it's just... she can do so much more than you, ya know? Plus she doesn't have to worry about being a sitting duck in a fight, and.... well yeah." Cana dropped her wine barrel and her head snapped to Lucy so fast she got whiplash. 

Abandoned, Neglected, ReturnedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant