Chapter 2

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On the previous chapter...

"Lucy!" Juvia shouted, earning attention from even civilians passing by. Wiping back, Lucy saw the classic Fairy Tail signal, doing it back and looking at the faces of her friends once more before they went off, hurt in a way that couldn't be described.

"It's for the best..." Lucy whispered, sitting on the boat as Loke navigated their journey into the night sea, unaware of what adventure awaits her. She's also unaware of how emotionally broken she left that group, as they made their way back into a guild that has lost it's light...


The group spent hours at the port, making it a few yards away before someone would lose it and run back, hoping that Lucy had changed her mind. Each time they were greeted with nothing. The people who would walk by were concerned but didn't say a thing. The sailors who were going to go fishing got up around the time the dusk arrived, surprised to see many mages huddled on the docks. Gajeel and Laxus were with them as well, saying that someone had to make sure no one bothered their grieving. It was all a facade to seem strong.

Yes, Gajeel and Lucy had a terrible start. He was in a dark guild and he... lets just say that he wasn't the most friendly person out there. Really, it took seeing her get pushed aside for a newcomer to warm up to her. He didn't do much talking, it was more so just him being there to show that he cared and acknowledged her presence. He doesn't know Lisanna like the others, and he's never been one to walk up to to get to know, or to be the person to introduce himself and ask for a person to get along with. So, that left him with the people whose presence he didn't mind.

Laxus was just a jerk to almost everyone. To say that he had an ego was an understatement. The man practically invented having an ego, and after that 'I want to be the new guild master because Makarov isn't good enough' moment, he became a bitter person for quite a while. Doesn't mean his mindset hadn't changed. He didn't make any effort to talk to people, but he silently cared and looked at the fairy tail members, observing them from a distance. He usually came down for 3 things: to get something to eat or drink, to leave the building, or if Makarov called him down. 

So one could imagine how the members reacted when he suddenly came downstairs one day, got a vanilla milkshake, and gave it to the other blonde in the building. He even sat down next to her, saying nothing until she was done with the drink. "You can always come upstairs and stay with Thunder God Tribe whenever you want." Everyone was stupified, even his teammates, but they didn't complain after they did their own observation of the celestial mage and figured out the reason he offered her a spot to just have people around her. 

"Alright, lets head back" Cana said, tired of looking out at the sea. They lost sight of their boat a long time ago, but hope stayed. Now that the sun was rising, there was no need to stay. She really left...

"B-but, what if-"

"Happy, come on. We must stay strong for Lucy" Pantherlily said, patting the exceeds head with his little paw to console him. "She would not be happy seeing us like this. Just as she is going to get stronger, we must get stronger for her." Sniffling, the blue magically cat nodded, understanding the words of the other, more mature exceed. 

The walk to the guild was slow and painful. Opening the doors, it was just as crazy and boisterous as it normally was. As if nothing had changed. But to them, that little bit of light that was there, no matter how dull it was becoming, was wiped. Erased. That hit hard. 

"Gray! You bastard!" The pink haired mage's voice was clear above the rest of the chatter as he tackled the ice mage for whatever reason. That pissed Gajeel off. No one has noticed that she's left. He barely recognized the firm squeeze on his shoulder given to him by Laxus, warning him to not say a thing, and he marched to the job board. 

Abandoned, Neglected, ReturnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora