the next day I was woken up early as Alby whispered, "Rise and shine Grennie, time for the tour." Not knowing what to expect I jumped out of my hammock and put on the moccasins that fry lent me until I could get another pair. The shoes were to big in size to my small feel I resorted to showing leaves in the back to keep them from slipping off. Alby not waiting for me walked off in a steady pace as I leaped to catch up. Soon we had walked to the big stone walls they surrounded the glade. "These are the walls. You do not need to leave them, it is dangerous out there." "Where am I?" I aske. "If I knew I would tell you." Alby continued, "WIKD put us here and, don't even bother asking who they are, because none of us know" As Alby continued to give me a tour around what I know as 'the glade'. He showed me all the different work stations I briefly looked at them not looking forward to when I would have to try out the sloppers job or the med-jacks, blood makes me uneasy. Soon Alby walked me over to what looked like may piles of wood just lying there. "They are starting a new project today, considering your the only girl we don't think you would be comfortable in the same hut as ten boys." Alby said. "Also the more gladers come up the more room we will need, so even though your alone for now the next girl to come up will room with you." Observing the construction site I see gally lifting up pillars and stacking them on a rolling flat making them easier to move. When he looked up he made eye contact and smiled. "I dont know what has gotten into him lately he has been nothing but decent to everyone." Alby said in a joking manner. "Is he usually not?" I replied. "Well, Alby is someone I respect a lot in the glade. He just wants what's best for everyone, but without showing them he actually cares. Sometimes he can come off as aggressive when really he dosen't want anyone hurt. Its why I made him keeper of the builders." I smiled back at Gally as me and Alby continued the tour. I assume Alby has done this multiple times because he seemed to not get too irritated when I kept asking him questions.
    After the tour was over Newt, Albys second in command, told me I would be finding my job today.  After many incidents with the slicers, track-hoes, med-jacks, baggers, sloppers, and even an occasion with the builders where Gally had to stop a wooden pillar from falling on me, Newt and myself agreed I belonged in the kitchen. I was happy to be in the kitchen knowing I could work with Fry who was easily one of my favorite people in the glade. I don't think Fry was as excited as me to spend everyday with mw, but he was happy for the extra help. He gave me a brief tour of the kitchen, as we were walking around I did my best to remember where everything is, not wanting to hinder Fry's efincincy. It was decided I would start the following day with breakfast. I decided that I was going to go to sleep early so I would be all rested for tomorrow morning, but as I tried to fall asleep in my hammock I suddenly remembered Gallys promise to bring me another flower, I had kept the one he gave me the night before in a little wood box I found in the kitchen. Concluding that is was just something he said in the moment I decided it was best to just fall asleep.
    Not long after drifting off I felt someone shake my shoulder just a little bit. "Hey Grennie I have what I promised." I opened my eyes to reveal Gally standing there holding yet another mushed up dandelion. "Sorry it got crushed again today I had to push this girl out of they way of a pillar." I laughed, "Its fine Gally, I guess this means that you have to bring me yet another one tomorrow." "I guess I do." He replied, "hey Grennie, do ya know your name yet?" Feeling worried I shook my head no. "Most graders know there name by now, it will come its probably just because you hit your head, goodnight Grennie." Feeling slightly relieved I thanked Gally for his kind gift of the flower. For the secind night in a row Gally said goodnight to me as I fell asleep.
Hey guys i think this is rly cute.
Chapter 2; 1/2/19

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