The next day I woke up thinking about the new grennie. I hate calling her that. I just want to know her name. I feel like if she had a name I wouldn't feel as afraid to talk to her, she makes me feel different than anyone else in the glade I always have felt that I need to make sure people dont get hurt but with her its different. I feel like if she were to get hurt It would be on me. I dont know if thats crazy considering I only met her yesterday. I think a part of it is the fact that she does not get annoyed at the sound of my voice, it makes me want to be around her. Being around her makes me feel special, she makes me feel appreciated. The other people in the glade just see me as a bad guy but I feel like she sees the person I want to be.
    Soon after, Winston and I head to the forrest to collect wood for the new hut. "So what do you think of the new grennie?" Asked Winston. "I think she's really nice." "Gally all you want to do is get in her pants." "No, I absolutly do not. I do not even like her like that I just want to be her friend." That sentence felt more like I was trying to convince myself then him. "Sure Buddy." Winston replied. On my way back from collecting wood I headed back to the field. On my way I saw another dandelion and it reminded me of my promise I made to her. I plucked it up and placed it gently in my pocket, making a mental note to make sure I stoped by my hammock to set the flower in. When I got close enough to the work sight I noticed that she was trying being a builder for her job assignment. I started getting nervous when they had her lift a pillar. Soon the pillar started falling on her. I got there just in time to push her out of harms way. After descovering that she was completely safe and unharmed I helped her up. "Ya grennie, this isn't the job for you." "I dont think so either." She said laughing. "So how are you liking your options?" I asked her. "Well, I'm not neceserally good at any of them." She said nervously. "Not good? You're terrible!" Newt said. I knew newt only ment it as a joke, but it seemed to slightly inpact her. "Hey not everyone can be good at everything I'm sure you will find a place you will do great at." I said giving her a smile. She smiled back in relief as she talked about how she would love to work in the kitchen with Fry. Newt and her decided it was best, with her having helped him the night before with the campfire. After that they both left to go give her a tour of the kitchen I continued working on the small hut forgetting about the small damaged dandelion that was in my pocket.
    When walking to the showers that night I saw a dandelion in the grass suddenly remembering the one in my pocket. When I took it out to look at it I saw that once again it was crushed. I quickly set it in my hammock and continued to the showers concluding that I would give it to her after my shower.
    When out of the shower I started looking for her. After asking around for a while, Fry told me she had gone to sleep early to try to get prepeaired for her early morning tomorrow. Something told me she wouldent mind getting woken up even for something this small. As I walked to her hammock I saw a little box bellow it with yesterdays dandelion inside. Seeing that made me confident enough to tap her on the shoulder. "Hey grennie, I have what I promised." I said. She smiled. "Sorry it's crushed I had to push a girl out from under a pillar." I replied in a joking manner. "Its ok Gally i guess this just means you have to bring me another one tomorrow." She said laughing, I smiled." I guess I do." I replied not minding the extra excuse to talk to her. "Hey grennie?" I questioned, "Do you remember your name yet?" "No." she replied. For a second I started to worry, until I saw the worried look on her face. I quickly said, "It will come to you soon, its probably just because you hit your head." After a sigh of relief she replied, "Thanks again for the flower Gally." "No problem Grennie." And for the second night in a row I said goodnight to the girl in front of me.
Chapter 3: 1-3-19

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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