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Sonic POV

I can't believe this I just can't. My so called friends kick me out of the team. They wouldn't have me if it wasn't for me.

Sonic: I need to move on Eggman is still on the loose.

(A few hours a go)
Amy: Sonic you need to leave.

Sonic: What are you talking about?

Knuckle: We are saying that you are no longer part of this team and no longer our friend.

Blaze: Their right you are selfish, childish, and you don't care about us.

Sonic: But I do care about you guys.

Amy: No you don't.

Knuckle went you to me a push me out of the house.

Knuckle: And don't come back.

Knuckle slam the door 🚪. I saw them happy 😃 that I was gone.
( present)

I was walking by my self when I saw Eggman.

Sonic: Selfish and Childish pef I will show them.

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