chapter 1

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What if, that's the question I would usually ask myself. What if I was normal? what if I went to school and had friends, not lots of friends,1 maybe 2 would suffice. What if I participated in after school activates like creative writing or glee or maybe even cheer leading? not that I would be any good at any of them, but still, what if.

My whole life I was in a hospital room, why? its because I have Cardiovascular disease but that's a long and unnecessary way of saying heart disease. Trust me having this disease limits the word fun.

If I were to be honest the only thing I can do for "fun" really isn't much. I could go to the park or maybe even the mall, but that's only when Dr. Somerhalder gives the ok, however its rare. That's because my blood vessels are narrowed which makes me extremely weak in my arms and legs, I usually have a blood transfusion 3 times a week.

Dr. Somerhalder has always been my Doctor ever since I can remember, he basically raised me. See my parents weren't exactly their for me as a kid.... My mother would visit, but that would be on spacial occasions, like Christmas, my birthday, sometimes on new years, my mother would send someone to give me my gifts or she would bring them herself, but if she did she'd only stay for 15 maybe 20 minutes.

My father on the other hand, well I never saw him. My mother would usually say he was busy with work or something like that. I wouldn't buy it, can someone really be busy working for 17 years straight, I highly doubt it. To be honest I don't really care if they don't want to visit me, I know I sound like a brat, but that's just how I feel. I can't say I hate my parents, because I don't. I just don't feel anything towards them, and I'm sure they feel the same. I guess since the beginning they've been distancing themselves away from me, and once I got old enough to realize that, I did the same.

I can see the look my mother gives me, even when I was a child she would give me that same look. Its not hate or anything like that, its more of a mournful look like she did this to me or something, so she keeps herself away from me as much as possible.

Its not such a big deal though, I had Dr. Somerhalder, and trust me that was enough.  I remember the day I started to  grow attached to him.

I was 7 years old and it was my birthday, I never liked the whole birthday party thing. I would  read the  books I had just like I did every other day. My mother came to see me that day, she also had a bunch of presents with her, I was so excited when I saw her and the presents, it was like I was ball of energy that was about to explode.

"Mommy mommy mommy, you came, you came to see me, I'm so happy to see you, I've missed you so much, I have so many story's to tell you about me and Sophia and all the adventures we had!" if your wondering who Sophie is well.....This is embarrassing to say, she was my imaginary friend. In my defence I didn't have any kids my age to play with, so my child mind created its own friend, anyway back to the story.

"aww well that's good to hear but we can talk about it later, right now I'm sure you'd want to open your presents" my mother grabbed a chair and sat next to my bed handing me my gifts.

Most of them were clothes, but being a kid I didn't really care about that, what I did care about was that one gift I got, which made me the happiest girl in the world, or so I though I was. , I had gotten more stickers.

I loved stickers with a Passion as a kid I had a book filled with stickers of every shape and size, collecting stickers was my favorite pass time, even before reading or coloring.

However just out of the blue my heart stopped...  literately, I don't really remember what happened after this very well,  but I do remember holding my chest and screaming in pain and my mother screaming something to me... But I couldn't understand I single word she was saying.... I remember a bunch of other people coming in the room,  I couldn't see them properly, to me they were just a bunch of blurred shapes of people.

I remember feeling extremely week and I was losing conciseness fast, but right before I blacked out I heard someone say "it's going to be ok" then after that nothing.

When I woke up my whole body was completely numb so I wasn't able to move at all. My mother walked in the room and Dr. Somerhalder was right behind her. I don't know why but I closed my eye's and pretended like was still sleeping.

"she's going to be fine Mrs. Never" a hand was on my head moving some hair from my face. "Fine?!.... we all know that Ever isn't going to be fine" my mother said raising her voice a little "what are you trying to say Mrs. Never"  "why does she have to be put through this, why can't we just.....let her go"  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my mother who I loved so much, wanted to give up on me.

For the fist time in my life I felt..... broken. I just wanted to go inside a hole and never come out, so I could never have to feel this feeling again, but then Dr. Somerhalder said something that changed everything for me.

"Mrs. Never,  please don't tell me you're actually considering this? She's your Daughter for gods sake, she's the one going through all this pain, yet she's strong enough to keep a smile on her face, and have a bright personality, so if that doesn't show you she's strong enough to keep fighting then you're just blind. Ever loves you even though she doesn't know you, even though you weren't here for her when she needed you most, yet I see her face light up every time you walk through the door. i don't understand how she does it, but she does, Ever is the strongest girl I have seen, and I will most definitely not give up on her."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... I was honestly shocked,  I opened my eyes just a little to see what was going to happen. "Dr. Somerhalder....I'm-" my mother was cut off "save it" His voice sounded cold towards my mom  "you don't deserve Ever as a daughter"  my mother was shocked  and honestly so was I.

I could see the speechlessness on my mothers face, her mouth was open but no words were coming out. "just leave Mrs. Never" the way Dr Somerhalder said my mothers name sounded like it was full of disgust and disappointment. My mother obeyed and got her bags, but before she left she took one last look at me, when she saw that I was awake her face saddened...... She looked down and walked away without a single word.

Dr. Somerhalder looked at me with sad eyes, "you were awake the whole time weren't you?" I nodded tears about to fall. Dr. Somerhalder sat on my bed "I'm sorry you had to hear that Ever, I'm really sorry" I couldn't speak their was this stupid lump in my throat and before I knew it tears were falling uncontrollably. I was completely taken aback by what Dr. Somerhalder did, he gave me a hug... I was still weak but I wrapped my arms around him lightly and gave him a hug back.

Yup that was the first time I realized that he was more then just my Doctor but he was also my father like figure, I know it sound corny or whatever, I'd have to say without him, I might be one of those depressed teenagers you see now a days. I owe him a lot, I hope he knows how grateful I am to have him.

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