Have You Ever Touched A Unicorn's Horn?

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like youtube.

Stranger: hello

You: Whenever I touch holy water, my skin burns. Is this bad?

Stranger: nah, don't worry about it. How are you with sunlight?

You: That burns a lot, too. :/

Stranger: hmm, you may want to get that checked out then

You: Hmm. I'll do that. Say, have you ever touched a unicorn's horn?

Stranger: only after a few drinks

You: You die if you touch a unicorn's horn. D:


Stranger: maybe it was a homeless guy, i get confused

You: Hmm. That would make sense. I confuse them as well. :/

Stranger: he told me he was a unicorn :(

You: Awe D:

You: You shall find your unicorn.

You: One day...

Stranger has disconnected.

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