Chapter 3 - Reality

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Barely able to keep my eyes open, I sit down at the table for breakfast. Looking at the space in front of me, I see absolutely nothing. I look around the black and white granite covered kitchen with grey stainless steel appliances, not a living organism to be seen. The countertops were piled on with dust as if nobody lived in the house. I peek into the garage and notice two empty parking spaces where my parents' cars used to stand.

On my way back to the kitchen I decide on eating cereal for breakfast, not having the energy to actually cook something. After going through the repetitious and uninteresting task, I sit at the empty table and stare down at the bowl of cereal.

I feel my eyes slowly closing and I experience a strong desire to rest my head. A loud knock on the door breaks me from my reverie, saving me from receiving a faceful of milk in the process. I look down at the bowl of cereal once more and realize that I've lost my appetite. I push it away from myself and towards the other end of the table.

"Who is it?" I yell with my head resting on my left arm. I don't know why I asked; it was painfully obvious to me who's at the door. I get no response and I debate whether I want to open the front door.

The knock comes again only this time it's softer. Rolling my eyes, I head over to the front door to unlock it. I am met with the same Julian from yesterday. The only difference today is his choice of lighter colored attire and blank facial expression.

Trying not to show my annoyance, I greet him. "Good morning."

"Hey." Is all I get from him. It takes every fiber of my being to not roll my eyes at his newly acquired day-to-day behavior. "Are you ready to leave for school?"

"Yea, just let me grab my stuff." I reply already heading over to grab my somewhat heavy belongings. I begin walking towards him and trip as I forget to step over the threshold. My heart leaps in my chest as the floor becomes closer. Before my face can make contact with the floor beneath me, I feel a pair of hands grab me by my shoulders, steadying me. Now, I see why sleep is essential.

"Thanks." I say looking up at Julian.

Unable to look me in the eyes, Julian replies "It was nothing." Not understanding his lack of ability to make eye contact with me, I furrow my brow in confusion.

I turn back to the door, taking extra care in locking it behind me. We begin walking towards school and it feels like a death sentence. The world around us is so cheery and upbeat; it's a stark contrast to both of our attitudes. Every house seemed warm and welcoming with their light peach exteriors and bright green lawns. They all seemed to look the same except for the one small difference of the varying car colors on display in driveways.

As we continue to stroll, Julian and I spot a little boy struggling to pick up his small dog. He didn't appear to have the strength to lift it.

At this, Julian forms a small smile and remarks "That little boy reminds me of someone."

"Who?" I question as I prepare to take a sip of water.

"You." I spit the water out.

"Are you actually insane or what?" I was taken aback by the comment, wondering how in the world I could look or act anything like a little boy.

"No, I mean look at how he's struggling to pick up a small puppy."


"Well, you possess the same amount of strength as him. Hmm on second thought, maybe that's a stretch; he might be stronger." Completely offended, I punch him in the arm.

"I am way stronger than him." I retort.

"Prove it."

"Alright, is your backpack heavy?"

"Well, not to me but I don't have the strength of a four year old boy."

"Hand it over." I demand, holding my hand out. He drops one strap onto my open palm and I instantly tilt over to the ground along with the backpack. "What do you have in here? Rocks?"

"Nah, just a few binders and textbooks. Told you so." His smile widens as he goes to lift up his backpack from the ground. He bumps my shoulder lightly and playfully. I don't return the gesture.

After walking for a while in silence, we finally arrive at school. Only this time, the entire front of it was covered with a bunch of posters and flyers advertising a school dance. At the sight of this, Julian's face takes on a weird expression; one I can't place. Disregarding this, I continue up the gum covered steps, wondering how I will be able to take on another torturous day at school.

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