Chapter One

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Everyone thinks she has it all. A model boyfriend, a great personality, loving friends and family, and a plan for the future, while most 21 year old's don't even know what they want for breakfast. The only thing she's struggling was that she couldn't find a new job. She just finished her former job as a seasonal employee at a local retail shop. 

She searched aimlessly looking for a new job. She hadn't told her boyfriend about the recent dilemma, he was already stressed about his own job and she didn't want him to worry about her. A miracle happened she found a local bar looking for a Bar Back it was a perfect spot for her, especially since she wanted to own her own bar someday. She sent in her application and a couple days later heard from the bar.

 It was a cold Friday afternoon for an interview, but that didn't stop her. She put on her best interview outfit and ordered an Uber to take her. The silver Chevy Cruze dropped her off at the front of the bar.

"Is this the right place?" The driver questioned as he looked at the red brick building.

"Yup! This is the place." She said her voice filled with excitement and thrill.

The Uber driver looked back at her and then the bar, he had puzzled expression on his as if trying to figure out why a girl like her would want to work somewhere like a bar. She said thank you and climbed out of the car. 

The luminescent "Bar" logo shined brightly in blue hues. She took a deep breathe and waltzed inside. She wasn't prepared to see the massive assortment of dinning tables, pool tables in the corner, 55'' flat screen tv's hanging along the walls, an open kitchen was in the corner flames bursting from the grill as the chef poured the cooking oil along its steel platform. 

She walked up to the front counter, greeted by a smiling red head with brown eyes. 

"Hiya! Welcome to the Sober Angel." The red headed female smiled brightly saying the business name.

"Uh thanks? Kind of weird for a bar to be called the Sober Angel when the sign outside straight up says Bar in big blue letters." She retaliated trying to be witty with that dumb remark. Though the comment was dumb the red head still laughed, most likely a pitty laugh.

"So what brings you to this lovely establishment this evening?" The red head asked.

"I'm hear for an interview for the Bar Back position." She said confidently 

"Oh yay! I'll go let Scott know you're here. What was your name again?" The red head knowing she never asked for the girls name before hand.

"Natalie Crown. Pleasure to meet you." Natalie said happily.

The red head nodded her head with a smile and scurried off to the back of the kitchen. She left me waiting at the front of the house my hands grasping onto my wallet. It was always awkward having to stand somewhere and just wait. A few eyes made their way over to look at me, mostly older men that were placing wages at the pool tables.

The red head came back with a much taller man then her. He had black hair that was slightly messy at the top with the sides shaved down a bit--he wore an all black t-shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly, he had a single sleeve on one side of his arm and the other was a more colorful mid-sleeve, he had black bandana hanging from the belt loops of his dark blue jeans--He towered over me he was probably 6'1 a whole foot taller then me. His eyes were a piercing dark hazel with specks of brown incrusted along the iris of his eye.

"Mrs. Crown, nice to meet you name's Scott Angel owner and head bartender of this establishment."  He said his hands dug into his pockets as he leaned against the counter. So much for a first impression.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Angel, it's a wonderful establishment you have here." I said trying to ease the tension. It wasn't a bad tension, more of an intimidating one if any as if I had to impress this guy more then any other employer. 

He smirked slightly and led me towards the back of the house, I looked back at the red head and she just smiled and gave me a thumbs up for good luck. Mr. Angel walked towards the back portion of the bar, it was dimly lit with a few tables here and there and dart board hung up on the wall. We opened the door to his office that had a sign that read "Don't Come In Unless Important" and below it read another sign, "You better fucking knock". I didn't know what I was about to get myself into.

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