Chapter Two

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He held the door open for me before he closed it behind him. I sat down in the black leather chair with red embroidery inside the armrests. He didn't bother to sit in his office chair he just sat on the edge of his Oakwood desk, with a single foot pressed up against the side of it.

"So tell me about yourself kid." He said as he started wrapping the bandana around his forehead letting his messy black hair drape over the black cloth.

"Well Mr. Angel-" He quickly cut me off "Just call me Scott never liked being called 'Mr.Angel' always seemed like a load of formal bullshit."

I coughed a bit being caught off guard from his comment.

"Well then Scott, what do you want to know about me?" I asked him, still trying to unwrap my head around his last comment.

He smirked slightly and put his hands on either side of his legs. "I'm going to be honest with you. You don't look like the type of girl that would work in a 'place like this'" 

"And what kind of girl do I look like to you?" I asked defensively.

His smirk grew, he cocked his head to the right a bit then leaned in closer to me--clasping his hands together- "You look like the type of girl that can survive on daddy's money and doesn't need to rely on some bar for money." 

So this was how this interview was going to go. I adjusted myself and got closer to him making dead eye contact with his hazel eyes. "Who says I want daddy's money? I'm perfectly capable of handling myself." 

He smiled slightly and moved back, his smile faded and looked down at me. "Well then, you start tomorrow."

"I got the job?" I asked

"Yeah you did, obviously you have the balls enough to be a bartender. I'll see you back here tomorrow at 10 a.m." He said as he stood up from his desk and walked over to the door.

"I'll see you then." I looked at him one last time before walking out the door. 

He followed behind me for a couple of minutes till disappearing back to the kitchen. I was still processing that whole interview it wasn't anything I was expecting. I walked back to the front desk, maybe I could ask the red head some questions on what to wear for tomorrow. 

"So how did it go with Scott?" The red head asked smiling.

"It was fine... different that's for sure. Hey? So I start tomorrow and he didn't tell me what to wear nor did I ask, so do you have any tips for me?" I asked not completely focused on her but more focused on the kitchen door.

"Well--Scott doesn't really have a preference, but since you're going to be behind the bar I say wear something loose something that you're comfortable in. There's really no idealistic outfit as long as it doesn't get the attention of the drunks... and that's hard enough just in this." She chuckled a bit displaying her 'Sober Angel' black tee. "But don't stress you'll be ok, Scotty is good at not letting anything bad happen." She finished. 

"Thanks for the tip. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked finally before leaving.

"You sure will, I'll still be here-- names Sasha McClane by the way." She said before waving goodbye.

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