Chapter Three

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My alarm started screaming at me as if it were a trumpet in a lieutenants hand waking up his soldiers for the day ahead of them. I rubbed my eyes before looking at the time on my phone it was already 8 a.m. I rushed out of bed and ran into the shower. I had to be quick I took at least an hour for my hair to fully dry. My body was dripping in water, I quickly dried my skin off and went to blow dry my hair. 

I stood in front of my closet with only the towel wrapped around my body. I didn't know what I was going to wear, I thought about Sasha's advice, but I don't even know if I own anything that won't get drunks attention. My closest is practically what you would wear on the coast. I said fuck it and I put on a black tank top and my leather jacket, I pulled up my blue jeans, and slipped on my comfiest vans. I finished getting ready and called my Uber. 

It's already 9 by the time the Uber got me. Thirty minutes later I was at the Sober Angel, this time the driver didn't look at me funny, he simply dropped me off and I walked out ready for my first day. Who knows what I was about to get myself into, especially after yesterdays interview. 

I saw a smiling Sasha at the front counter her red locks were braided into pigtails. 

"Hey Natalie! Ready for your first day?" She asked warmly. 

I walked up to her a bit anxious, but I wasn't about to let that show. "Honestly I'm just ready to see what happens." 

"You'll be fine! I can tell Scott sees some potential in you." She said as she smirked slightly.

"Sure.." I questioned that statement, but nonetheless I needed this job to buy a car. "So where is he anyways?" I asked

"Oh Scott he should be already at the bar. You're good to head over there." 

"Wait so I don't have to do any procedures before I start?" 

"You do, but your trainer will go over all that with you." She smiled brightly, I simply walked away over to the bar.

What I saw didn't surprise me. It was Scott already making a cocktail for someone at the bar, his muscles flexed as he poured the liquor above his head. He put the drink in front of the girl and wiped his hands with the near by towel.

"You never sees to amaze me Scott." The blonde female said as she took a sip of her mimosa. It was clear she was flirting with Scott he didn't seem amused, he rolled his eyes and wiped down the table.

"Don't know what's so amazing about the same mimosa you order every single day. By this point it's simply muscle memory." Scott said as he tossed the towel onto his shoulder and looked at the blonde women.

He finally noticed me, while I stood next to the blonde hair women. His lips curled into that same smirk that he gave me yesterday in his office, "You showed." 

"Where you expecting me not to?" I asked him as I held onto my belt loops.

"Figured I scared you, but I should've known you're tough enough to comeback." He stood confidently his arms crossing over his torso. 

The blonde women's eyes wondered back and forth from Scott then to me. Repeatedly. 

He walked out from behind the bar, he slipped off his apron that hung onto his waist. "Let's get you started before the lunch rush hits." 

He walked passed me, gesturing for me to follow. We walked past empty tables, making our way to the stainless steel kitchen doors. 

"So I thought I was meeting with my trainer over at the bar?" I asked as I tried to keep up with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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