ch. 3 The Little Mermaid

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I rushed inside my house and there stood my furious father, alarmed mother, and my smirking brother.

Well this is going to be interesting.

"What were you doing in enemy territory!?" My father screamed.

"What? Enemy territory?"

"The Fullbusters." My mother answered for him.

"Oh right." I paused. I gave my brother a look that screamed "help me."

He gave me back the "you're alone on this one." Look. I glared at him.

I sighed.

"Well... I was having tea with Juvia.

My mom's eyes widened,alarmed by this. "Juvia? Why?"

"Well.. you see.. she just always seemed so lonely... and I felt I could bring her company?"

My mother looked as if she was about to say something, but my father spoke before she could.

"Well why didn't you say so in the first place? I don't mind Juvia. Juvia is cool. Even though she has terrible taste in men. It's her husband and their son that worries me."

My mother however, didn't seem convinced.

"Well... I'm going to bed... Goodnight!" I Screamed before rushing to me room.

Thank goodness. I hope that will be the last interrogation I go through today.

"Really? Have tea with Juvia?"

I groaned at the sight of my brother. Hisarms were crossed over his chest,his back leaning against the side of the door.

"Hello my dear, lovely brother. Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?"

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Well as you can see I am dead tired. So, I am going to sleep and you are going to walk back To your room." I said while placing my hand on his back,pushing him towards the door.

He closed the door. But he wasn't outside my room. But instead he was inside and plopped his butt right on my bed. And to add on to that; He had the nerve to pat the spot next to him.


What's up with people bossing me around today? Am I dog?. Do I look like a dog? I'm pretty for sure I don't have a tail.

"I hate you."

He rolled his eyes at me. "I know." He replied sarcastically.

"No, I really hate you."

"Good to know, now sit!"

Ugh! I made an exaggerated sigh as I plopped myself on the bed. But I did not sit. No I refuse! Instead, I layed on the bed, with my arms sprawled above my head.

"So, where were you really for the past four hours?"

"I told you! I was having tea with Juvia!"

"Yes I heard that part, but tell me the part where it leads to you having tea with Juvia."

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" I groaned really loudly.

He yet again rolled his eyes at me.

"Well I was out looking for Storm for like a whole hour! But then I realized, I didn't check his house. So when I saw that nobody was home; I broke in through Storm's bedroom window and waited for him. But instead of Storm finding me. Juvia came in there and caught me. She assumed I was there because I liked Storm. So she forced me to have tea and listen to her babble on for two hours!" I yelled really annoyed.

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