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"Why didn't you tell me all of this?" Mom asked as we sat in the parking lot of Jordan's apartment building and I nervously peered around in hope that he'd eventually appear.

In the time span of our wait, I'd explained to her my reluctance about wanting to go to Seattle, Travis' outburst during my request for a break and our subsequent breakup, the way that I'd fallen for Jordan during his time working at the church and all the hours we'd spent together on the "project", and Travis' threats that had made us get back together. She'd listened quietly and taken it all in until now when she seemed to be processing everything I'd shared.

"I was trying to do the right thing," I sighed. "I know how you and dad feel about Caleb leaving and having a baby the non-traditional way and I didn't want to disappoint you."

"Oh, sweetie," Mom sighed. "I'm not upset with Caleb for leaving or for having a baby. I'm more so upset that he hasn't included us in his life more than he has, but that has absolutely nothing to do with you and your relationship. I would be heartbroken if you entered into an abusive marriage just because you felt obligated to keep up an image."

I bit my lip, "You think it's abusive?"

"Anybody who's manipulating and intimidating you is being abusive, Seraphina. That's not the kind of man you want to marry, trust me. It'll only get worse if you become his wife. I saw my cousin go through it until it drove her so far into depression that she was a shell of herself and ended up dying of a broken heart. I'd never want that for you."

"I never looked at it that way," I nodded and looked down at my fingers, "But in my gut, I just knew it was wrong. I started crying when I saw my dress today and then I watched the way his aunts were treating you and it's like something just clicked. People are going to talk no matter what I do, so I might as well do what makes me happy."

"So you called it off?" she asked and I nodded. "How'd Travis react?"

"I don't know if it's fully registered with him yet, but yes I did. I gave him the ring back. I know I should've made an announcement to the guests, but all I could think was that I wanted to come here to talk to Jordan."

"Because he's your Ethan, huh?" a smile came to her lips as she said my dad's name. "I can't tell you how many hurtful comments and whispers I got for breaking up with my fiance and marrying your father just a short bit later. I don't like to talk about it because it's not a happy memory and it's still a bit raw now, but I was made out to be such a villainess for being the girl that married the young pastor straight out of seminary school. People forgot all about the fact that I'd known your dad since we were in diapers and all they could talk about was how it was an old classic case of the secretary seducing and screwing the new pastor. Lots of people claimed I got pregnant on purpose to trap him and I was called every name in the book at one point or another. All kinds of rumors were started about us, but at the end of the day they eventually died down and I knew when I looked in your father's eyes that he was the one I wanted to run to every time I had some exciting news. All these years later he's still that person and if Jordan makes you feel that way, then I can assure you it's not a decision that you'll regret."

I smiled, "I know Jordan and I don't have the history that you and Dad did and we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, but he does. He makes me feel things that I didn't know were possible and I really believe I've fallen in love with him."

My mother's warm brown eyes focused on me as she lightly placed her hand on mine, "You know your father kind of suspected Jordan was sweet on you, but I didn't see it at first. Although now thinking back I guess I did notice a look or two," she smiled thoughtfully. "At the end of the day, I just want you to be happy and healthy with whoever your soulmate may be."

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