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"Get it together, Seraphina," I whispered quietly to myself after spending almost a quarter of an hour locked inside of a stall in the ladies' room of the Muffin Mansion where Caleb and I had stopped for breakfast.

My brother had graciously agreed to wait in the long line to get us a table while I'd scurried off to try to get a handle on my emotions, but even after fifteen minutes of dabbing at my eyes with rough toilet paper, I still felt like I was falling apart.

In all the time before Jordan Knight had entered my life, I'd always been poised and pulled together, but when it came to him, I was a blubbing, neurotic mess, no matter how hard I tried. Although I was well aware that he wasn't mine, I still felt a heavy pull to him and an attachment that I just couldn't explain. Logic told me it was because I was pregnant and my hormones were everywhere, but my heart knew it was because I couldn't stand the thought of him with someone else, even if I had no right to feel that way.

I sucked in a deep breath and pulled my pocket mirror out of my purse to take a glimpse at my red puffy cheeks and try to touch up my makeup. I pulled my powdered foundation out and tried to make myself look a little less dreary before applying fresh lip gloss to my lips, but regardless of how big of a smile I forced onto my mouth, my eyes looked sad.

I could feel a burst of tears trying to return as I stood to my feet and dropped the mirror and make up back into my purse, but I silently scolded my feelings and pushed myself to exit the bathroom and head back out to the busy dining area.

I started to make my way back to the hostess' podium to find out where Caleb had been seated, but a hand waving in my direction caught my attention and I breathed out. He was being such a trooper in all of this by leaving behind his baby and girlfriend to try to give me a nice day and I owed it to him to try not to fall apart.

As I got nearer to the large booth where Caleb was sitting, his smile got wider and I realized he was talking to someone. With a few more steps, I came into earshot.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I'm telling you, my little sister is going to flip. She's a huge fan. Way back in high school she hated driving, well she kind of still does, but she really hated it back then. Anyway, when you guys came to Northern California she made me drive her and her best friend down to see your show and she didn't stop talking about it for a month. You guys were on her walls and everything. She's not having the best trip so I think this'll make it ten-times better."

"I'm always happy to meet a Blockhead."

I froze in place as I recognized the second voice.




"Hurry up, kiddo," Caleb said a little louder and waved me over.

I wanted to turn and run in the other direction, but it was too late. Jon had moved to the edge of the opposite booth seat and had turned to look at me. His eyes were as wide as mine felt before a smile came to his face.


I gulped.

"Hello, Jonathan."

Caleb seemed to interpret my response as being starstruck as his smile got even bigger, "Can you believe it, Ser? I spotted him leaving while I was waiting in line. Apparently his mom's house is right around the corner and they come here for breakfast on Saturday mornings. I told him you're a huge New Kids fan and he agreed to come back inside and take a picture with you."

Before I could even open my mouth, Jonathan spoke.

"I should've known there couldn't be that many Blockheads named Seraphina. It's not the world's most popular name," He gave me his gorgeous smile and hugged me before gesturing for me to slide in the booth. I nervously plopped down and scooted over and he followed after me. "What brings you all the way to Boston, Ser?'

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