regestration and a familiar faces

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Narrator : after the final gym ash will
Now register for the kanto league but
There is a familiar faces which saw the betrayers

Max - I challenge you to a 1 on 1 battle

Red - who me?

Max - yeah you! Your gonna be beaten

Red - not so fast, but whatever let's

Cilen - this will be 1 on 1 battle between max and red choose your

Max - gallade avenge me
Gallade - gallade ( let's)

Red - greninja I choose you!
Greninja - gren (easy peasy )

Max - gallade use psychic

Red - take it greninja
Greninja - gren (OK red)

As gallade uses psychic on greninja it
Didn't work

Max - how is that possible it's a water type of course

Red - not just water type but half dark type and psychic won't have any
Effect on greninja,now use night slash

Greninja summoned a dark blades and slashes gallade with one hit K.O

Cilen - gallade is unable to battle red

Red - heh easy

Trip - easy for you to say but I challenge you to a 5 on 5 battle if you
Lose you have to give me that greninja

Red - and if I win give me your 5 Pokemon

Trip - deal they're weak though

Red - hey did trip did something to you?

All trip's Pokemon - help us he
Tortured us

Red - I will

Cilen - this will be a 5 on 5 battle between trip and red choose your Pokemon

Trip - tranquill let's defeat this weakling
Tranquillity - tranquill (I hate you trip
But I have no choice)

Red - look who wants a rematch samurott let's go

Samurott - samurott Sam (sure red i
Know how you feel tranquill)

Cilen - battle begin

Trip - tranquill use air slash
Tranquill - tranquill quill (nice job samurott)

As tranquill used air slash samurott dodged it easily

Red - now it's our turn samurott use
Samurott - samurott!! (I'm sorry)

Trip -...

Cilen - tranquull is unable to battle red wins

Red - thx but I gotta go cya later

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