Chapter 2- First Sight (Marcus POV)

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Yet another day where I must sit here listening to the pathetic and insignificent woes of vampires visiting Volterra. The only interesting thing that had happened was a visit from Edward Cullen, he claimed his mate was dead and wanted to join her, I checked his bonds and saw that he didn't have a mate so I gave Aro my hand so he could see this. Aro refused Cullen's request for that and his own reasons. Aro wanted him alive because he loves Cullen's talent and thinks it would be a waste to kill him. He sent Cullen away and turned to us.

"He won't accept our decision and is taking matters into his own hand. Felix, Demetri, go follow Cullen but don't let him know your there so block your minds. Before he can do his foolish act please bring him back."

"Yes Master," they responded. Aro sat back down and sighed.

I slipped into my bond sight for a moment and was happy to see my brother's glowing mate bonds. I briefly studied mine and felt the overwhelming sadness and pain sweep through me as I recall my dear wife and mate Didyme's death. She has been gone for over 2 millenia but I still mourn. My brothers had tried to bring me out of my never ending grief but nothing worked. I knew they wished for me to become my old self, the one who could dule out witty jokes and sarcastic comments, the one who was fierce in a battle and could kill many easily. I had been suicidal for over a century before Aro had Chelsea bond me even more strongly to the coven so now I was tied here literally.

I felt my hand being lifted and was drawn back to the present time. I saw Aro raise an eyebrow at my morose thougts but no longer cared. He and Caius knew what I constantly thought of and they no longer said anything to me. Aro gave me my hand back and simply released a sigh.

"We have, it seems, guests coming back my brother." He said to me. I merely shrugged and gazed at the far wall but I know that I will listen to the following conversation between our 'guests' and Aro.

The 'guests' turned out to be Edward Cullen, his sister Alice and a young human woman who looked to be 18. I look at her out of the corner of my eyes to get the full view of her even though I am looking at the far wall I can still see her perfectfully, after all they are standing in front of us. She was wrapped around the Cullen boy glancing around the room, however she didn't show any signs of fear except a slight raise in her heartbeat and widening of her eyes. I took my time to study her, I also realised she must be the one that Edward claimed was his mate. I almost snorted out loud at this depsite my apathetic state when I saw their bond. She was his singer and no more, I could see that she did love him and vica versa but it was strained heavily on both sides, Edward because he wanted her blood more but I didn't what strained it on her side.

The young woman was a small thing, she was too thin for her age and around average height, possibly 5'5, I knew it wouldn't be anything compared to my 6'3. Her skin was as pale as a vampires, only a few shades darker and her veins stood out. Her hair was in tangles around her shoulds and fell to waist in mahogany waves though I could make out many other colours only someone with our eyes could see. I could see various strands of caramel, auburn and even black, her hair offset her pale complexion well. Her legs were fairly long and under her tatty clothes I could tell that if regained her full weight she would have curves some women would die for . Her eyes were the feature that caught my attention though. Chocolate brown and huge, rimmed with long black lashes, there was great wisdom but also pain that no-one her age should go through. She was a beautiful human altogether.

I could feel her eyes studying myself rather intently and had to hold back a smirk on my bored face. After all I knew my looks drew the opposite sex in and I may be heartbroke but I am still smug about my looks. After she had finished with my body her eyes glanced up to look at mine, of course I was still staring at the wall in front of me but when I felt her eyes rest on mine I had to meet them with my own. I turned to look at her fully and couldn't hold back the quiet gasp that left my mouth when I did. The instant our eyes met a pull tightened in my chest and I saw what I thought should have been impossible. I shielded my thoughts from the Cullen boy immediately and studied my bonds again. A gold bond formed between me and the lovely woman in front of me telling me that she is my mate. The bond is much stronger than what I did have with my dear Didyme. I was surprised at this but I still held back a smile. I was getting another chance at love and saw in my bonds that the one Chelsea had used on me was becoming genuine meaning that I actually wanted to stay with the Volturi and not have to be forced. I was estatic and heard Aro introduce everyone and decided to fully pay attention to the happenings in the room.

I felt quite lucky to realise that despite everyone being vampires with super hearing no one heard me gasp and therefore were non the wiser. I had learnt ages ago how to block the young Cullen and did so now, after all I really don't need him to find out about my new bond with his singer. I was now listening properly to see what would happen to my new mate and her friends.

A/N You lucky people, another update so soon, haha. I only have to copy whats in paper onto here so the first few chapters won't be too far apart hopefully. Please tell me what you think of this chapter and carry on voting.

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