Chapter 4- Half the Truth

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I was now sitting on Marcus' lap feeling content with him for some unknown reason when he started to talk.

"I will tell you the truth Mia Isabella if you return the same courtesy" He spoke gently to me. I noticed that he purred my full name and felt a flash of desire pass through me despite the situation and I tried to hide my blush. Marcus glanced at me and smirked.

"Do you know of my power, Piccola?" He asked me. I had heard about the Volturi's bonds from Edward so nodded in answer to Marcus' question.

"You can see bonds and therefore tell of relationships between people." I replied.

"Good girl," he praised me and I flushed with pleasure at being praised. With the Cullens I had to be careful to never injure myself or behave wrongly and despite that, Edward never said I was good or anything so having a Volturi king praise me for something so little made me extremely happy. I suspected there was something else that caused me to be so happy from a little praise but I didn't know what. Marcus stroked my tears away as there was a few left trickling down my face, I didn't mind as I could smell his scent on his hands and it was devine, it was cinnamon and comforting. I was wondering about this when he started to talk.

"Yes, I can see bonds. I can see your relationship with Edward Cullen and I am sorry to have to tell you this but you are not mates. Your bond to him is that of il suo cantante  which means his singer. This means that your blood calls to him and he thirsts for it. I am surprised he has lasted this long as the call is usually irrisistable and therefore impossible to resist. I'm so sorry Piccola but he never fully loved you, maybe to some extent but he mostly kept you around for your blood. True mates cannot be seperated deliberately anyway, it would cause a lot of pain for both mates. "

By the end of his speech I knew it was the truth. It explained everything and a part of me was furious for not realising it sooner, after all I spent a lot of time around mated couples. The majority of me was heartbroken though for not having any of the Cullens tell me the truth unless they truely believed we were mated. I could do nothing to stop the tears as they fell down my face and the shakes that racked my body. Marcus tried to wipe the tears away but there was so many that he gave up and let them come. He brought me closer to him and slowly rocked me to try and soothe me. I held onto him like a lifeline and snuggled into his chest, he let me burrow closer and let me cry into him. The exhaustion finally caught up to me and I fell asleep.


As I told my Isabella half the story everyone could see the emotions flit across her face as clear as day. This time my dead heart did break when she broke down and shook with heart-wrenching cries that made me want to cry with her. I just held her close and let her cry it out, a part of me was happy when she snuggled closer to me and I was glad to offer her comfort and help soothe her. I was surprised when I heard Isabella's breathing even out and her crying stop, I looked down and saw that my angel had fallen asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead and smiled softly, I then rearranged myself so Isabella could be a bit more comfortable on my lap. As much as I wished to whisk her away to my chambers I knew we had to deal with the Cullens first. My brothers looked down at Isabella with the same tender expression when Caius decided to speak.

"Marcus, what are her bonds to us? I feel so protective of her yet awhile ago I would have gladly seen her demise." I had to growl a bit at these last words, I couldn't help it, she is my mate after all.

"My brothers, to you Aro despite being my mate she will see you as her father, therefore you will treat her like a Figlia and to you Caius she will be your Sorellina. Your wives will also see her as a Figlia and a Sorellina. Her bonds to us are already so deep for a human." They looked surprised but their expressions soon changed to delight.

"I have always wanted a daughter to care for and now I have the chance. Sulpicia will be so pleased, I cannot wait to tell her!" Aro exclaimed.

"Indeed brothers, it will fun having a little sister around to tease" Caius smirked.

"Jane, Alec, come here please," I spoke softly.

"Yes Master Marcus?" They asked.

"You two have strong friendship bonds with Isabella and I have an important task for you. I wish for you two to be her guards while she is human and when she turns into a vampire. When I cannot be there you will, protect her with her lives." I finished speaking and looked at Jane and Alec.

"Of course Master. I thought I felt a bond with her when I went to collect them. I didn't think on it further but now that you have mentioned it, it does feel right and a little bit strange as I am not used to connecting with many people. We accept and will protect and care for her when you are not there." Jane spoke, Alec nodded and agreed with his twin. I knew I had chosen right. Jane's words were pure and heartfelt and their bonds were swirling with blue and silver showing their loyalty towards us.

"Thank you. Please go and prepare my chambers for us," I dismissed them politely. "Back to matters at hand Brothers?"

They both nodded at me, knowing I would want to take over considering it was my mate involved. They kept close, however and kissed Isabella's forehead gently.

"Felix, bring the mind reader forward." I snapped, I was in no mood to deal with him but knew it was a must, though I couldn't get up due to Isabella in my lap and Aro saw this.

"Let me take her Brother?" He asked. I felt a flash of jealousy but I dismissed it due to the fact I had found my mate and my vampire didn't want to let her go. I noticed Isabella shiver so I called one of the guards to get a heated blanket for her, a few second's later they returned and handed me the blanket. I wrapped Isabella in it so she could heat up and be nice and snug. Aro came forward and gently picked her up and settled himself in his throne, she shifted slightly and then settled down in her sleep again. I was satisfied she was asleep and comfortable but when I turned to the Cullen boy it evaporated. Time to deal with this problem, I thought to myself.

Thank you for everyone who voted and commented on this story, I gope you enjoy this update that I eventually done :) Glad to see so many people loving this story.

Italian- English translations

Figlia- Daughter

Sorellina- Little sister

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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