Car Crash - Kleinsen sorta

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A/N wow OK I'm actually doing something with my life- oh wait... I have none.

It happened in a blur, but time seemed to slow. Evan could feel the air push out of his lungs, the shock freezing him to his seat as his car flew through the air, a truck plowing straight into his car. Evan wasn't concerned about himself, though.

He was more concerned for the beautiful boy in the passenger seat next to him, Jared Kleinman, his boyfriend. He had taken his seatbelt off to reach for the food in the back seat.

There was a piercing noise as the windshield shattered. Evan shielded his face of danger, but the bigger shards of glass went straight into Jared's back, given that he hadn't had the time to turn around.

It happened in a blur, a mere second. Evan hadn't even had the time to think 'shit.'

Everything went black. For both of the boys.

The next thing Evan knew, he was being rolled away on a stretcher, slipping in and out of consciousness as he was moved into the ambulance. But as his mind fell into darkness he had one image seared onto the back of his eyelids- the shards of glass digging into his boyfriends back, blood soaking his shirt. He couldn't forger that gruesome scene.

When he awoke again, he was in a hospital bed, a cast on his arm and bandages all over him. As he sat up he became aware of his surroundings, his nose wrinkled to the sterile smell of the hospital and in his line of vision, though blurry, he could make out a woman sobbing uncontrollably, her head in her hands.

His heart dropped when he realized it was his mother.
"M-Mum?" He croaked, his voice hoarse from lack of use.

Her head shot up, and she cried even more. "E-Evan th-thank god y-your ok-kay" Her voice was shaky as she stood up, and she leaned in for a hug, which Evan gladly reciprocated.

"How long have I been here?"

"Four days, oh Evan I was so worried about you" she had calmed down now- thankfully

A lump formed in his throat when he remembered the scene that had played. The glass, the blood, the wreckage. He was afraid to ask, but he had to, while his mum was calmer. "And... Um... H-Hows Jared? Is he o-okay?"

She averted her eyes. And the question. "Y'know Ev, we really need to get a nurse in here. I'll go get the-" He cut her off when she reached for the door.

"Mum. D-don't dodge t-the question. Is h-he o-okay? I- I watched glass f-fly into his b-back" She sighed, looking at her son with a pitying gaze, before breaking into tears again.
"M-mum?? Is he okay??"

His heart dropped. "I-is he a-"
Just then the nurse walked in.

She surveyed him and jotted something down on her clipboard "Well, it appears you're up and you're talking fine, but-"

"Jared Kleinman. Is he okay? Please... Joy. I really need to know." He asked, all traces of stutter gone, stopping to looking at the nurses name tag.

Joy sighed and gave him an empathetic look. "I'm sorry, there's no easy way to say this but..." She trailed off.

"He's dead, isn't he?"

The nurse nodded sadly. "He died of blood loss before they could get to the scene."

He dug his face into his hands, muttering 'no' into his palms. His senses went numb. He felt like throwing up, but not from the hospital smell. "That fucking truck driver..."

It had all happened in a blur,  matter of seconds, but it had lasting consequences.

A/N I could've ended that better but I'm lazy so IDC y'all :)

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