Not getting the last cookie - BMC

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A/N Oh hey I'm not dead, just procrastinating. This was supposed to be suicide but I can't write shit about that, so I put my finger on a random prompt and it was this.
This will be a preschool AU cos it's fun to make fun of how easily little kids get upset.


Mrs Crane walked into the room, holding a baking tray and bracing herself for the storm of little kids that would be at her feet in about one second.

The kids' heads perked up at the sound of their favourite favourite treat and, just as Mrs Crane had predicted, they swarmed at her feet.

A little boy named Jeremy watched this scene play out in front of him, and he timidly edged towards the back wall, waiting for the crowds to disappear.

Eventually everyone had abandoned Mrs Crane with the cookie tray, and he could see just one cookie left. What he failed to see, however, was that one meanie, Jake, who had the same strategy as Jeremy. He started walking up to Mrs Crane, when Jake the meanie swooped in, acting innocent as he tugged on her skirt asking for the last cookie, which she happily gave him.

Jeremy felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest. He had only one thing going through his head as he watched Jake scoff the chocolatey goodness down;
He really wanted that cookie...

This was really short but I'm laughing my ass off right now so I don't care :)

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