Fire- Stagedorks

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A/N This wasn't really angsty at all but I'm really proud of this so I don't care.
Also Jeremy didn't ask Christine out at the party for the sake of the story, got it? Good.

Oh my.

Its bad right?

We need to get you home.



I didn't argue. I made my out the door, mildly confused about the squip ushering me out so suddenly. I was about a block away from the party when I began to wonder, what was so urgent that I had to leave so early?


I stopped in my tracks.

In exactly 4 minutes and 20 seconds Rich is going to start a fire and burn the house down, so get your ass home now.

I remembered Christine, still at the party. So naturally, I did the exact opposite of what the Squip said.

Jeremy, there's no time for that, turn around now.

I ran towards the house.

Jeremy, don't.

Shut down.

I burst through the door, scanning the room for Christine. I eventually found her talking to Dustin Kropp, and grabbed her arm pulling her out the house. I felt her try to pry my hand off her arm, but I had an iron grip.

I eventually released her, and she brushed a dark hair out of her face. "Jeremy what the hell was that?! You can't just drag a woman out like-" there was a piercing scream, a shattering of glass, and the noise of mass panic.

Christines head whipped around, and a look of horror crossed her face. "Oh god. There's a fire."

"I know, that's why I got you out of there." I deadpanned, and the look of horror on her face melted into something too hard to read  "You can come to my house, err... If you want, that is." I started walking the route to my house and looked back, surprised to see her follow.

"Fine, but I want answers when we get there."

By the time we got there, we hadn't said a word to each other, walking in silence. In that time, I remembered the squip was off, but I didn't turn it back on. I wanted to handle this myself.

"Umm, heere it is." I told her, but I told her to wait on the verandah as I went in to scout out my dad.

I wasn't surprised to see him asleep on the couch without pants, the TV still on. I threw a blanket over him and invited Christine in, leading her to my bedroom.

We sat down on the bed as she began to talk to me.

"How did you know there was going to be a fire, Jeremy?"

"I saw rich pouring gasoline everywhere" I lied, not meeting her eyes.

"Fair enough" She replied, and we began to talk about life and... Other stuff. Then she went quiet.

"Christine? Something's on your mind, I can tell." My voice went soft as I tried to comfort her.

"Why me?" She blurted.

"What?" I did not see that coming.

"Why did you come to me straight away? At the party, I mean. Why didn't you get Brooke out, or Jenna or someone? I'm grateful you did get me... But why?"

I looked down, fiddling with the hem of my sweater
"You want the truth?"

She nodded.

"I, err... I actually really like you, Christine. Like, a lot. I've had a crush on you for like, forever and... I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you when I could've stopped it."


Then Christine stood up.
"I should go"

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