Chapter 2

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" Next question" Kane said.

" Are you guys scared of  being your true selves with people in school." Kane asked.

" Okay, that question has a story behind it." I said.

" We have time" Derek said.

" So, before we came to this school we acted like we normally do and we were really popular and had a lot of friends and we ruled the school. We were something like Abby except we were nice and didn't bully people. We had everything you could want and this was when we were freshmen. I had a boyfriend and stuff was good until one day our parents went on a business trip. All of our parents were business partners and they were on a private jet then, the plane crashed and they all died. The next day the police came and they said that are parents were dead. And I had no idea what to do. Maria was watching us so, we weren't alone. Their lawyers came and we found out that they left us this house so we moved here and we live here together, but, it was really hard. My siblings were two-years old and officially parent-less. We were 14 and had just lost our parents, I thought that we had a right to be depressed but, turns out that we didn't because at school this so called boyfriend started giving me a hard time so, I dumped him. I really couldn't deal with that at that point and to top it off some of the so called friends just turned into real bitches. Since the school year was over the next week we decided to change schools and act different and away from fakes. Yeah it's ironic that we act fake but, ours is for what happened to us. Their fake-ness was for no reason. So for all of last year we were the nerd squad" I said with hand gestures. "No one was supposed to know because if we were like our normal selves people would want to friends with us, we found it better to keep to ourselves. The bullying on the other-hand makes me want to be normal because I could kick Abby's ass any day but, I'm restraining myself. Lastly, if you guys tell anyone that story you will have hell to pay."

"That was intense, and I'm sorry for your loss." Derek said.

" Thanks" I said.

" Yo, where is Ari" Brandon yelled.

" In the living room" Ari said.

In walks Brandon Ari's fiance and Violet's cousin.

" Okay so this is Brandon, he is our big brother figure and Violet's cousin" Makayla said making introduction.

"Sup" the guys did the bro nod.

" Big C, Sar, Kayla and Lastly Vi." Brandon said while sitting next to Ari.

"Hey"everyone but Vi said.

"Vi, are you still mad" Brandon looked at Vi like your making a big deal out of nothing.

" Of course I'm mad" Vi said looking pissed.

"Brandon what did you do?" Ari asked.

"Nothing" he said lifting his hands up.

"Ok, I'll say what happened, story time, so I had a boyfriend earlier this year for about two months and one day, we went to the park and we were talking and this dude was driving by the park he saw me and Josh, did a whole 360 turn and then park the car to come and "talk"(she did air quotations) to us next thing I know this talk becomes an interrogation, then he is threatening poor Josh. So, we broke up because of him and I am pissed. This is the third relationship this dude has screwed. The first was before our parents died. We were at the movies, he scared the guy so much, then he called my dad and they talked for a while, then I became grounded for doing what I don't know. It turns out this dude told my dad a lie, saying that Ben, was a bad guy and did drugs. When I found out I beat him with a shoe. The next one was last year and I was minding my own business going along with my day with Parker. It was in an ice cream shop, let's just say Brandon and Parker are both banned from Toni's ice cream parlor. That one Ari found out and we threw him in the pool. This time I'm calm but, he has to do something to be forgiven and he has to stop." Violet explained.

The boys burst out laughing. Violet threw them a look and they shut up real quick.

"Damn the look could put you 6 feet under" Kane said.

"That's the point" Vi said.

"What do you guys think of just telling stories for now instead of asking questions?" Kayla asked.

"I'm cool with that, I was having a hard time coming up with questions anyways." Blake said.

"Boys it is you guys turn now" Sarah said.

"Okay first if you guys can tell us your story then you need to know that I can't stand Abby for the life of me. She is so annoying and clingy and demanding and rude. Also, our relationship isn't real it's just she claimed me as her own and now anytime anyone asks me out she threatens or says that I'm cheating when we aren't together." Derek says.

We were shocked that was unexpected.

" That was unexpected." Sarah says.

" So, how did you guys meet?" Kayla asks.

" We met in kindergarten in the sand boxes. I was playing then they came asks to join and then we became the 5 amigos." Blake said smiling.

" Quick question, do you guys know how to ride a motorcycle?" I asked.

" Yes, why" Anthony said wary.

" I just wanted to know if you guys lived up to the bad boy look you know." I said.

" Do you know how to ride a motorcycle," Kane said laughing.

" Yes" the girls and I answered in unison.

"Prove it" Anthony said.

" Ok, Sandra we will be back in 30 minutes! Follow us" Kayla yelled.

We walked out of the living room and went into the garage. Once in the garage we turned on the lights and got our motorcycle keys.  We chose the black ones that are customized with our names. Brandon and Ari went outside because their motorcycles were outside. 

"Get in your cars and follow us," I said

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"Get in your cars and follow us," I said.

We opened the garage door and went outside we waited for them to get in their cars then we started driving. 
We got to our favorite race track and it was empty. Then we stopped.

"You guys stop" I said.
The girls and I looked at each other and we knew that we were all thinking of the same thing.
"Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Kane said. While they were getting g out of there cars.
"Because we are going to race." Kalya said.
"Yall race?"

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