Chapter 3

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We raced and I won of course. So now we are on our way back home. When we made it home, as we opened the door I heard little feet. We went inside to be bombarded with two "I'm hungrys".

"One second guys we just got here," Makayla said laughing.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner?" Sarah said.

"Sure" they said in unison.

"Well, we will go set the table and call you guys in a minute," Ari said while walking.

After the table was set we got the food and then everyone sat at the table.

"Ok, you guys heard our summary so now it's ya'll turn." I said.

"Well, I live with both of my parents and they are the epitome of a couple. They are in love and the love radiates throughout the house. My mom is an accountant and my dad is a computer engineer. They work and work but, they make sure to be at every game that I have. I play soccer and ever since I was 6 and they have never missed a game, and it always surprised me how they manage to have time to be here. I have an older brother and a younger sister. My brother just graduated last year but, he went to another school, so no one knows that I have a brother except for them. My brother and I are tight, like always there for each other and my little sister is 14 and she is something else. She looks up to my brother and I and I just don't want her to end up like me or my brother, but that chance is really slim. Lastly there are these doofuses and we have been friends since we were 5.  Also, I'm 17." Kane said.

"Ok, so I am 17 too. I live with my mom and she is always working and she is like barely here, but when she is here she is present. My dad left us when I was a baby because he had cancer and he knew that he was too weak, and wouldn't be able to see me grow so, he told me mom that he had to leave so, that it wouldn't be so hard for us when he died. For my mom it became a little tough but, I got a job to help her. My mom is a nurse. I'm an only child... I play baseball and I am pretty good if I do say so myself, I mean I am the captain." Anthony said and we all laughed.

"My turn, so I live with my dad, and sister. My mom died a few years ago. My sister is older than me and she is like that really nosy sister that is like always asking if you have a girlfriend or do you like someone and who are you talking too type of person. But she is also, really chill and about to get married. I play football and I am the quarterback. My dad is a good guy but, he comes off as mean sometimes. I am pretty awesome like I like to call it the perfect mix of nice and mean. Also, I used to date Allison, but that was when she used to be nice. Now she is an Abby wannabe so you know how that is." Derek said. We were all shocked to here that information.

"Best, for last" Blake said and we all laughed.

"So, hi my name is Blake Summers, I am a 17 year old captain of the lacrosse team. I live with my parents and my 14 year old brother. My parents are always working and barely home, but I love them. My mom is an attorney and my dad owns a law firm. I can draw and I want to be an architect and build. I am single but, I have a crazy ex though." Blake said.

"Oooh my turn" Ari said with her hands intertwined on the table.

"Go" Sarah said.

"Thank you, my name is Ariana Sanders I am 23 years old. I am in college to be a cosmetologist, I have a wonderful fiance and I have my parents and my sister. I have these amazing people who once Brandon and I started dating I became friends with the girls and they are awesome. I really award them for fooling you guys that well. Also, the wedding is going to be on December 12th." she said all excited.

"I call flower girl" Caitlyn said.

"Don't worry honey, no one is taking your place." Ari said.

"Names Brandon, I am Violet's cousin and like a brother to the girls. It seems I got myself in a bad position so, I got to try to get out of it. Let me give you guys a little word of advice, when dealing with these girls they are always right." Brandon said.

Everyone laughed.

"It's completely true,but I am 23 years old. I'm going to marry Ariana. I'm going to college to be a computer engineer."

"Ooh we want to go too" The twins said.

"Ok, go" Blake said.

"I'll go first my name is Caitlyn, I have a twin brother named Cole and he is my best friend. I have my sisters and I am a dancer." Caitlyn said.

"My turn, my name is Cole, I have a twin sister named Caitlyn and she is my best friend too. I am a dancer and I am like really good." Cole said.

"You guys are did really good with them, they are so smart." Anthony told us.

"Thank you" We said in unison.

"So, how did you guys learn to dance?" Kane asked the twins.

"Well we were watching our sisters dance and we wanted to do it to so, they taught us how to dance." Caitlyn said.

"You guys know how to dance?" Derek asked.

"Ok let's do our intros, i'll go first" Violet said.

" So, I'm Violet and I live with my sisters slash best friends since diapers and I am a dancer, singer, and other stuff." Violet said.

" I'm Makayla and I am everything that Violet is but I am a musician also." Makayla said.

"I'm Sarah and I am everything that Violet is but I play sports" Sarah said.

"I'm Chloe and I am everything that everyone else is, I am an athlete, a musician, a singer, and a dancer." Chloe said.

"Also, like Violet said we are all other things too" Makalya said.

" So are we meeting tomorrow and will Christian be here?" Violet asked.

"Yes he will," Derek said.

The guys left and we all went to bed.

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