Chapter 1 - Orla

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Okay, so this is my second book. My first one is Harry's little sister so you can go check that out if you want. 

Please don't copy anything i write!

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I know my life is going to be different, no let’s rephrase that, I know my life is going to completely change. Yep, that’s better.

I mean: One, I’m moving to a different country. Two: I’m moving in with someone I’ve never met or even known and Three: I’m moving away from my parents. You see I’m going to UNI. I’m going to UNI in St. Andrews in fact. (St. Andrews is in Scotland if any of you are wondering.)  I’m originally from London and I grew up living with my older brother Noah who’s now 24, my younger sister Elsa who’s currently 14 and my parents.

Parents. Now that’s something I could blab on about for ages with you. Parents are like marmite I guess, you either love them or hate them. But on the odd exception you can grow to like them or, grow not to like them. I guess I’ve just grown not to like them. Don’t get me wrong I can love them. I adore my dad to bits, but I hate my mum to bits. People say “Oh, mothers have a special bond with their daughters” Well nope that’s never happened to me, ever. She adores Elsa, I mean loves Elsa to bits but I’ve never connected with my mum, never trusted her. The day Elsa was born was the day I was ignored forever.

Is that wrong? Because I’m not sure.  

Everything happens for a reason right?

And I guess I’m the reason in this situation.  

But lets not blabber on about the past. That’s forgotten. London is over.

Well, I guess I should introduce myself.

My names Orla and I’m 18 years old. My birthday is the 31st December. I have long brown hair and I’m partly Scottish. I’m 5’8 inches so I’m pretty tall. One of my eyes is green and one is half green and half black, weird I know. I was born with it. No one knows why I have it or why I have it but I do and theres nothing I can do about it. Both of my parents grew up in Scotland (which makes me partly Scottish) but then they moved down to Cheshire. I’ve always wanted to come to St. Andrews UNI since I was little, the day I found out I got in was probably the best day of my life. My brother lives in London in his own flat and my sister still lives with our parents.

I don’t really have any ‘special’ friends. Like, I’ve got none I will miss from London. I’ve never been the social type. I kind of stuck to the rule of

‘Don’t speak to anyone unless they speak to you first’

And not many people talk to me, so I don’t talk to many people.

I’m the one at school that everyone thinks is different, strange.

‘The girl with the alien eye’

is what they would call me. But once i did have that one frined i would go to for everything, that one friend i could rely on 24/7, that friend who was always there, that friend who was family. But he left. He went to follow his dreams. His name... Harry.

In year 3, i was about 7 years old, tHarry  joined my school. He had curly hair and i remember the first day he walked into the classroom he hid behind his um. I was assigned as his buddy, i had to show him around school and things like that. From then on me and him were best friends. In fact before he left we were more than frineds. But the day came where he went to follow his dreams leaving Cheshire and me behind. we never broke up, never said goodbye. I'm not sure he meant to leave loose contact with me or it was on purpose. 

After that I’d walk home alone, have lunch alone, walk to school alone. My brother always told me people are afraid of different. I never showed I was bothered. I was good at hiding things. No one knew my life, my secrets and that’s how I liked it. Hidden.

I have one family member who lives in St. Andrews, my Auntie Sally. I’m probably the closest to her out of my family besides Noah (my brother.) She’s super excited to have me staying in St. Andrews, so she says.

She’s managed to get me my own flat for an affordable price and a job, so I’m not complaining! It’s normally really hard to get a job as a UNI student. I’ll be working at this little café called Philly’s Pot. Its £15 an hour which is extremely good pay!

My taxi wobbled up the coble streets of St. Andrews at stopped outside the address I had given the driver.

“How much?” I asked the driver. He shook his hand at me.

“No, no dear. You’re a student, no need to pay.” He said in his Scottish accent. Sounds creepy, but my god how I LOVE Scottish accents.

“Oh, no sir, I couldn’t accept that. You’ve driven me 60 miles from Edinburgh. I cant except that free”

“You can and you will deary. Now go, start your new chapter in your life. Enjoy it, love it, fall in love for god sakes. Go!” He said motioning for the door.

“Thank you so much!” I told him as I shuffled out the taxi grabbing my two suitcases from the boot. I looked up at the building towering in front of me. 

I guess this is my chapter 1.


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