Chapter 2 - Anita

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(n.) fear of opinion 

Harry’s POV

“Please mate!” Niall begged me. We were in the dressing room before our last TMH tour date in Japan.

He was trying to convince me to go to St. Andrews in Scotland for the first week of our 7-week break. Niall’s going through this golf obsession at the moment. It’s all he tweets about, talks about, instagrams are about and I wouldn’t doubt the fact that he probably will build his own bloody golf course soon. Yes, he’s that obsessed. Why St. Andrew? You are probably asking yourself right now well, St. Andrews has one of the top golf courses in the world. It holds the British golf open as well. He’s been going on about going for weeks now. None of the other boys are the slightest bit interested in the game golf, I don’t mind a game of golf but I did want to go see my family.

“I don’t know Niall, I wanted to go see my family” I tell him. I do want ot see my family, and my girl. Orla. I left her and mum said i broke her. I felt so bad, i couldnt phone. Everytime i've been back i have never had enough time to see her. I've only been home to cheshire for a week in total over the last 3 years. Eveytime i go home its normally to London and my family come and visit me. I wanted to ask her so bad to come with them but i couldn't. I couldnt face seeing a broken Orla. I have seen so may girls since i left, none of them meant anything. One night with them and then thats it. No love. No Orla

“Mate, I promise I will leave you alone for the other 6 weeks of the break, you can spend the rest of it with them. I’m literally begging you to come!” He pleaded.

“Niall…” I began.

He began pouting and doing the puppy dog eyes.

“Please don’t Niall” I said covering my eyes. He knows for a fact that puppy dog eyes are my weakness.

He then got down on both knees facing me with his hands clasped together. Full on pouting, puppy dog eyes and whining like a dog. Louis was in the corner of the room sniggering.

“Oh shut up Lou” I said throwing a cushion at him.

“Please Harry, this is like one of my dreams and I will get to experience it with one of my best mates” He whined.

“Fine” I said sighing and throwing my hands in the air. “However I am now not just ‘one of your best mates’ I AM your best mate.”

“You got it best mate” Niall smirked winking at me. He then jumped on me giving me  a bear hug.

“Oi, you sure you aren’t just friends.” Louis sniggered.

“Louis!” Niall said in the girliest voice he could put on. “How could question me and Harry’s friendship!?” He then strutted across the room and back to me again.

“Niall, I am now questioning your sexuality” Louis said trying to keep a straight face. All three of us then burst out laughing.

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