Just another day

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~keiths POV~

"Keith, buddy time to get up" Adam says as he enters my room. "Ok" I say as I sit up. "I got breakfast on the table for when your ready and takashi is already at work." "Ok thanks" I say as I get up and walk over to my dresser. "Don't be long keith school starts in 5 mins"Adam says as he shuts the door and goes down stairs. I open my dresser and pull out a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and a red and black checkered flannel. I get dressed and walk to My bathroom, brush my hair and teeth, then grab my phone earbuds and head down stairs. I eat my breakfast the put on my shoes, grab my bag. "Bye Adam I'll see you later" "Bye keith be good and have fun" "will do" I call back as I hope onto my motorcycle and start the engine and head off to school.

~at the school~

I park my bike and head into the school to be greeted by my only friends allura and shay. Yes I'm friend with cheerleaders because I am one. Shay is the captain assistant and allura is the captain."hey keith" shay greats me as I walk in "sup shay sup allura" I say back "sooooooooo keith I heard the lance likes you"allura teases me as we start walking to are lockers. "W-what there's no way he likes me!!!!" I say blushing a deep red "there is a way but we can talk about this later bye keith" allura says as she and shay walk to there lockers. I walk to mine and open the door. I take out my books and shut the door. I walk down the hall to My first class when I turn the corner and bump into some one. "Ow omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" i say as I look up to see a hand infront of me. "Don't worry it's my fault to" I look up to see a boy with carmal skin and chocolate brown hair and ocean blue eyes. 'oh god  I bumped in to lance, shit, this is not good' I think to myself "I'm so so so sorry lance" I say as I take his hand and he helps me up. God this is one way to embarrass myself infront of my crush!!!

~Thank you all for reading I will try my best to update but school is starting up so it will be hard for me but I'll try~

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