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Keith's P.O.V

The sun shines through my window as I sit up in bed. I rub my eyes and look over at me nightstand to see my old knife. I grab the knife an hug it. This was the knife my mom gave me before she miss her.........i sigh as I get up and get ready for school thinking about the past.

~flash back~(WORNING-abuse and cutting are mention)

I sit up in my bed as mommy walks in "good morning honey I'm going to work so be good for daddy"mommy says as she hugs me goodbye. "Pls don't go mommy"I whine but she just pats me on the head and walk out of the house and heads to work. That's when I'm hit with the smell of smoke and alcohol. I take the knife mommy gave me and hide in the closet. I'm scared of daddy. Daddy likes to hurt me. He says it's the only way to make him happy. I slowly cut my arms letting the red blood slowly drip down my arms thinking of what daddy will do to my. Cut arfter cut. I keep doing this until I hear the door slam open. Its........daddy! "Keeeeeith come out".  He says as he slams the closet door open. He grabs my hair and drags me over to my bed and pushes me. I fall on the bed and daddy gets out his belt and smacks me with it over and over till I bleed. Then he takes his pocket knife and cuts of my shirt and cuts me all over my chest and tummy. Once he's done he walks back downstairs leaving me in my room to cry myself to sleep waiting for it to happen all over again.

~flash back ends (abuse and cutting are over)~

I shutter at the memories and finish getting ready before walking off to school. I pull out my phone and put in my earbuds and play high hopes by panic!at the disco trying to forget the hordes memories I had thought.

~I hope you liked it I'm sorry for not updating I've been very busy but I'll try to do more~

Stay With Me/klance omegaverse/highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now