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A broken kid, the girl protecting her legacy, the one with all the secrets and the shattered girl plus a dead family can only equal chaos and misery...

Full name: Bilius Alfie Bartok

Birthday: February 16, 1979

House: Hufflepuff

Quidditch: Hufflepuff team - Chaser

Wand: Acacia wood with a unicorn hair core, 14¼" and slightly yielding flexibility

Patronus: Black Mamba

Family: Karen(mom, left, didn't take the kids), Gabriel(father, dead), Farley(sister, one year older)

Blood statues: Muggle Born

Friends: Quinn Scamander, Cedric Diggory, Altair Malfoy, Mia Zabini, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Alison Ollivander, Mollie Midgen

Enemy's: Voldemort, Voldemort's army, Dolores Umbridge,

Loyalty: Hufflepuff, Hermione, Cedric, Dumbledore's Army, Order of the Phoenix, Bartok family, Scamander family, Granger family, Diggory family

Crush: Hermione Granger(year 1), Cedric Diggory(year 2-7)

Pet: Northern saw-whet owl- Accets (pronounced assets)

Description: Bilius is a bubbly guy and is friends with almost everybody, yet his dad died when he was ten and his mom abandoned him two months later because he was "to much to handle." Even though his life was rough he always seems to be able to find the best in every situation. He is very helpful and patient. Sometimes he likes to be alone so he can think and have time to reflect on the days events. When upset Bilius can become quite and shy. He is very well known for his bubbly(and sometimes annoying) personality and beautiful eyes(they are a mix of sea green and turquoise)

Famous Quote: "What's the rush? We've got plenty of time!"

Best Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures(3rd year), Herbology, Transfiguration, Potions

Worst Subjects: Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic

Appearance: long/medium length deep purple(looks black) hair, Sea green and turquoise eyes, tall(ish)

Profession: Unknown. He doesn't talk about it much.

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