Chapter Four

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I wake up the next day to find that I am still in the infirmary. My hearing is better. I can hear, but everything is muffled, quiet and I can't quite make out words. I noticed every time Madam Pomfrey came into the room she had earmuffs on. She must not want to hear me talking..... probably yelling. I think to myself. I look around wondering when I'm going to get out of here.
"Madam Pomfrey!" I yell as I lay back down holding my head. Madam Pomfrey comes in. "Can you get my friends? Cedric Diggory and Quinn Scamander." I ask trying my best not to yell. Madam Pomfrey gestures to me to wait a minute. I nod my head and decide to rest my eyes for a minute. A few minutes later I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes and look around. I see Quinn, Hunter and some other students who I don't recognize. Quinn takes out a quill, some scrolls, and a bottle of ink. She dips the quill in the ink and begins writing on one of the scrolls. She hands it to one of the students and begins writing again. She repeats this process until all the students have a scroll.
One by one they hold up the scroll they are holding. I look at the first student. She has silver eyes with short blonde hair, and a slight tan, Alison her scroll reads. I look to the next student. She has tan skin and short black hair, her sign reads Mia. I look to the next student. The girl has light blonde hair, green eyes, and is about medium height. I look at her scroll and read Altair. She's one of the Malfoy siblings. I remember her form sorting. I think.
"Who are these people?" I ask still trying not to yell. Quinn scribbles on one of the scrolls and hands it to me. I look at the scroll.
These are my friends! the scroll reads. I nod and smile as I fold up the scroll and set it on the nightstand. I see Alison look at Quinn as she says something. Quinn holds up her finger telling her to wait. She writes on another scroll and hands it to me.
What happened in Herbology? the paper reads.
"Two ginger haired boys removed my earmuffs while Professor Sprout was holding the Mandrake." I explain almost in a whisper I'm talking so quietly. Alison nods and says something to the other girls, then she motions to me. I prop myself up on the bed.
"Where's Cedric?" I ask as I realize he isn't there. Altair grabs a scroll and the quill and begins to write as Quinn speaks to her. When Altair hands me the scroll it reads: He is eating lunch. He said he would visit you later during his free time.
"Okay, make sure to let Cedric know to feed Acets for me. Also tell him to let her go flying for a few minutes before she goes to bed." I say before they leave. Quinn nods and then she signals to the other girls they should get going.
"Bye guys. Nice to meet you." I call as they walk away. They turn around and smile each one giving me a little wave. Once the door is shut behind them, I lay back down and try to get some sleep.
When I wake up I feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turn in the direction of the tapping to see one of the ginger haired boys. He points away from him. I turn to see the other one. "You two are so dead!!" I yell as I begin to crawl out of bed. The boys scurry away laughing. I grab my wand from the nightstand and aim it at the boys. "Don't make me hurt you." I say stepping closer. One of the boys whispers something to the other and they both start laughing so hard, they might has well just have fallen on the floor. "Those two don't know what they're in for.." I think as I step closer almost standing above them. "Incarcerous!" I say still pointing my wand at the two boys. They freeze as a thick rope binds them together. That should teach them. I think as I roll them out of the infirmary. Good thing Madam Pomfrey isn't here. I think closing the door behind me as I go back to my bed.
As soon as I lay down the door opens. I look over to see Cedric coming towards me. I smile as I lay my head on my pillow. He smiles back. He's got such a nice smile. I think as he pulls up a chair. "I'm okay, don't worry." I say as I know what he is going to ask. "I can definitely hear better," I say. "I can hear everything fine but there is still a faint ringing that sometimes gets a bit too loud." I explain as Cedric sits down. I get up and dangle my legs off the edge of the bed.
"I saw what you did to Fred and George." Cedric says with a laugh.
"Who?" I ask confused.
"The Weasley twins." he says. When he sees I still don't understand he says, "Two ginger haired boys who look identical."
"Ooohhhh. Yeah!" I say with pride in my voice and a smirk on my face. "They asked me for help." Cedric says with a chuckle. "And?" I say. "And I laughed and continued walking. I assumed it was you because no one else is in here." he says cheekily.
"I lost count of the days." I say.
"It's Friday. We have Potions and then Flying." Cedric says putting his hand on my leg. I shake him off.
"Great! I can finally have my first flying lesson." I say excitedly hopping off the bed. I open the nightstand drawers and find my robes in the second one.
"I'm going to go change." I say to Cedric as I head towards the bathroom.
My first flying lesson! I'm so excited...and nervous. I think as I change into my robes. When I step out of the bathroom Cedric is standing by the infirmary door.
"Ready to get to potions? We'll probably be late but it's fine." Cedric says as he opens the door for me. He's so nice! I think as I walk out the door with Cedric on my heels.

"Bartok, Diggory." Professor Snape says.
"We're sorry for being late. I was getting Bilius out of the infirmary." Cedric explains to Professor Snape.
"Ah! How's your hearing Bilius?" Professor Snape asks with interest in his voice. "Better. There is still a faint ringing that can get a little too loud though." I say as I sit down next to Quinn.
"Good to know you're doing alright. Now listen up." Professor Snape says. He continues on with the lesson.
After class Cedric leads me to the school grounds for flying. TTTTWWWWEEEETTTT!! I hear a whistle blow and jump a little. Quinn stifles a laugh. I glare at her.
"What? It was funny." she says. "BILIUS!" Madam Hooch yells at me.
"Yes ma'am?" I ask her.
"Good to know you're up and flying! Can you hear alright?" she asks.
"I can hear fine now ma'am." I say as I walk towards a broomstick.
"Call me Madam Hooch," She says smiling. "Okay everyone! Practice what we worked on yesterday while I work with Bilius." Madam Hooch tells the rest of the class. As the rest of the class mounts their brooms Madam Hooch walks over to me. "Alright Bilius! Stand next to your broom." Madam Hooch tells me. I nod and move so I'm standing next to the broom lying on the ground. I look up to see Quinn circling around us watching me. "Okay, now to get the broom in your hand, extend your hand and say 'up'" Hooch says. '"Up!" I say. The broom flies off the ground and into my hand. "Great! Now, mount your broom." she says as she mounts her broom as well. I get on my broom mimicking Madam Hooch's position. "Now just jump off the ground." she says taking a big leap. I follow after her, jumping into the air. I put my feet down expecting to fall back to the ground. However, I find myself floating mere inches off the ground. I smile as I try flying up to get to Quinn. I lean back and raise my broom. I go flying up. I straighten my broom hoping to stop in front of Quinn. I do. "Hey! Looks like you know what you're doing." she says zooming behind me. I spin around on my broom.
"Yeah! Looks like those extra lessons paid off." I say as I fly to where Cedric sits, watching us from his broom. Quinn follows me.
"What extra lessons?" asks Quinn as she comes to a stop next to Cedric.
"My sister, Farley, taught me some stuff about flying last year. Our neighbor, Mrs. Kazow, let us borrow her broom." I explain as people fly past us.
"Bartok! Diggory! Scamander! Do your laps!" Madam Hooch yells from below us.
"Sorry!" we yell in unison as we start to lap around the castle.
This isn't that bad. I think as I pass Alison.
"Hey Alison!" I call to her. Once I've completed five laps I fly back down to the ground.
"You look like you know what you're doing Mr. Bartok." Hooch says to me.
"I guess I do." I say as I put away my broomstick.
"How about you teach Tuesday's lesson?" Madam Hooch says as she brings her whistle to her mouth. TTWWWEEETT!! "CLASS DISMISSED!" Madam Hooch yells to the students as we all fly to the ground.
"You were fast!" Cedric says giving me a light shove.
"Yeah! You should join the Hufflepuff quidditch team next year!" Quinn says looking at Cedric.
"You should! You would make a great seeker." Cedric says as we enter the castle.
"Nah! I think I'll be a chaser." I say holding open the door for the people behind us.
"Okay, but I definitely think you should join the team." Cedric says with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
"Yeah, I will." I say as we walk to the Great Hall for lunch.

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