Chapter Five

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I wake up on the couch in the commons. "What happened?" I wonder as I sit up on the couch. "Morning!" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Quinn standing over me. "What time is it?" I ask groggily as I get up off the couch. "It's about 7:08." Quinn says helping me up. ". We should head down to the Great Hall for breakfast." I say adjusting my robes. "Ok. Hopefully Alison is down there already. I want to introduce you properly." she says with a grin. "Yeah. That wasn't the best first impression I made was it?" I ask with a chuckle as we walk out the common room. "Not really." she says trying to match my fast pace. "Sorry." I say realizing she is jogging to keep up with me. "It's fine." she says as we both slow down. We reach the door s to the Great Hall. "Would you like to do the honors?" I ask Quinn giving her a gentle smile. Quinn pushes open one of the doors and immediately begins walking to the Ravenclaw table. I follow her without question. All of a sudden Quinn is yelling. "Did I hear you say UNICORN!?" she says excitedly. One of the girls, I think her name was Alison, turns around and begins yelling at Quinn. "For the sake of Merlin! Quinn what the hell!" Alison says. "You saw a unicorn and you didn't bring me!" Quinn says putting her hands so her thumbs are facing her. "Well excuse ME! I don't know that I'll see one!" Alison said knocking Quinn's fingers away from her. "Ummm...Alison who are they?" a boy pipes from beside Alison. "Quinn Scamander." Quinn says now realizing that there is in fact other people around her and Alison's little argument. "Lucas Alton." says the boy. "Nice to meet you." Quinn says with a smile. "Oh and this is Mia Zabini." Alison says pointing to the other girl. "Hey Mia!" Quinn says with a little wave. "Quinn. Good to see that your not on-." Mia was cut off by another girl. "Salazar!" yells a girl as she runs towards them and sits down next to Alison. Lucas scoots down a little letting Quinn sit down. As I am left to stand awkwardly as the others talk. I begin to sway back and forth. "So are you going to tell us what happened?" Mia said looking at the hyper girl. "Did you burn down another classroom on 'Accident'?" Alison asks with all seriousness. "Well no. Better I, Altair Lucius Malfoy am GOING TO BE A BEATER! On the Slytherin team! This year!" Altair screams. "Is this cause you beat the crap out of that bludger with your book." Mia says with a questioning look on her face. "YOU WHAT!!!!" Alison says as she stands up from her seat, and her wand is somehow in her hand pointing straight at Altair. "Umm. Okay it was an accident you see." Altair says trying to get Alison to put her wand down. "Oh it was an 'ACCIDENT', so I was wrong for blaming you!" Alison said her hands now shaking. "Levo-." Alison began to say before she was cut of by Lucas covering her mouth and his other hand holding her wrist from doing the spell. "It's best if you would go to your next class and maybe umm...wait a few hours you know? Let her cool off a bit." Lucas said, struggling to hold Alison still. "You are a brave man. I owe you one.Bye!" Altair says pulling Mia with her, running out of the Great Hall. Seeing that they've left Lucas lets Alison go. "Is this normal?" I ask Quinn. "Yep perfectly normal. Once over the summer Altair broke her wand that Alison gave her. Alison was literally about to put her on a stick and burn her to ash. Seriously! When I got there Altair was tied to a stick." Quinn said carelessly, while I gulped looking at Alison,who is having a "nice conversation" with Lucas about which side he is on. I felt fear. "I'm afraid of Alison Ollivander." I think as I go and sit down to eat breakfast.

*Author's Note: Sorry if some of the chapters are a bit short. I just didn't know how to continue so I started a new one.*

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