Home is Where the Heart is

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It has been a while since your leader Satan... Or now known as Sadou Mou and Alciel also now known Ashiya as well as you, keeping your given name from Ente Isla. But ever since the three of you entered the human world.... You didn't turn completely human like the other two... Oh no!!! You still had your silly cat ears and cat tail from your demon form. You HATED IT!!! You were trapped in the small apartment scared the humans would throw you out and mistreat you like they did at Ente Isla.

But it wasn't all that bad. You had Ashiya to keep you company and to keep you light hearted. Everynow and then he would pet you like a cat which ticked you off a bit but you still liked it. You purred every time he did it but when Mou pet you, you would try to bite his fingers off. Ashiya would teach you how to cook every now and then because somedays he wouldnt be at home cooking with the ingredients they had because he would have to go to the store to get more food but today was different.

"(Y/n)?" Ashiya walked into the small apartment holding a basket of clothes. The clothes where dry but where in a scrambledd mess within the small walls of the basket. "Will you help me fold these?" As much as you hated chores you sighed.

"All right... But as long as I get dessert after dinner tonight!!" you stated your terms to do chores with the man. "And it has to be cheesecake!" you smiled brightly swaying your tail as you thought about the sweet treat.

"(Y/n) you know that its not that great for your health right?" he said with a frown.

"Either that or I won't help you..." you stated crossing your arms and puffing your cheeks.

"Fine but you have to help me make it..." he sighed in defeat. He really needed help with folding the mound of clean clothes.

"Yes!" you shouted as you sprung into action to fold the clothes. You liked cooking with Ashiya... Ashiya chuckled as you continued to fold clothes. As you did chores with the blonde male you began thinking... 'Ashiya looks really cute when he's focused on his work.... WAIT!! What am I thinking!!!! He's so silly... But its cute when he is... WAIT!!!! NO!!! I need to stop thinking about him in that way!!' As I reached for an article of clothing to fold, and also not looking, I felt something warm. I look over to see Ashiya's head whip around and looked at my hand. We both looked at eachother strait in the eyes. 'OH MY GAWD THIS IS SO AWKWARD!!!!!' You internally screamed. You looked away and felt heat rush to your face. You looked at Ashiya as you pulled away your hand. His face had a dusting of red across his cheeks and painted the tips of his ears.

"S-sorry my lady." Ashiya stuttered as his face bacame redder by the second and bowed repeatedly.

"No no no no!" I shook my head rapidly. "I sh-should be sorry Ashiya sir!" I tried to reassure him. ((A/n) As you can see you and Ashiya are still attatched to saying the titles for one another that you had in Ente Isla.)

"Lady (y/n) I must protest! I wasn't paying attention so it should be my fault!" Ashiya was getting more flustered.

"Sir Alciel! I disagree! I wasn't looking where I was placing my hand so it was my actions that should be at fault!!!" your face became more heated as the struggle between you continued.

"I'm home gu-" Mou started but was cut off startled at you and Ashiya's dispute...

"Lady (y/n) why are you taking the blame for me?"

"Why are you trying to say it was your fault Sir Alciel!?"

"Guys!!" Mou yelled getting you and Ashiya's attention. "What happened that's got you guys so worked up?! And why are you both blushing red messes?!"

"Well she's trying to take the blame for me!"

"Well he's trying to take the blame for me!"

You both shouted simultaneously.

"The blame for what?" Mou questioned again. You and Ashiya stopped in your tracks, looked at each other, blushed even more (if possible) and looked away in a hurry. "Alright I guess you're not going to tell me..." Mou got a little frustrated...

You and Ashiya made dinner and the cheesecake, ate the meal, and then hurriedly went to sleep still thinking about what happened....

'She is kinda cute...'

'He is kinda cute...'

((A/n) hey peoples heres an update hope you enjoyed and hopefully i see you in the next chapter. Kamiki out)

A Fellow Follower's Love (Alciel/Ashia x Reader.) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now