Diagon Alley

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Dick Grayson is not a morning person. As much as his adoptive father tells him to wake up, he just can't. But today he will not be lazy because he was excited; Bruce told him that they will go to Diagon Alley to grab his school supplies and have some father and son time! It is rare that Bruce has time to be with him since he is always busy with his Ministry of Magic stuff.

A few days ago Dick received a letter from Hogwarts saying he was accepted! Bruce had told him a lot about this school and said it was great that he got accepted. Of course he also got accepted for Beauxbaton and Durmstrang, but he wanted to go to Bruce's old school. 

Dick was a pure-blood wizard. His father and mother were very respected in their time, but they preferred to live on the road and be part of a wizard circus, where they did trapeze and other acrobatics. But after their unfortunate deaths when Dick was nine, he was sent to a muggle orphanage, since they no longer had room for him in the wizard one. Bruce has been searching for him for a while after he witnessed his parents' death, and has been wanting to adopt him since. So when he finally found him, he immediately got him out of there and was sent to live with him. Ever since he has been happy with Bruce, and Alfred, of course, Bruce's house elf and close friend of the family.

When Bruce told him of Hogwarts, he immediately wanted to go there. So he started studying and practicing for the day he will get accepted. Although he did not have his wand, he still practiced the incantations for easy and advanced spells. And learned the history of magic from Bruce's old school books, even if they are not up-to-date.

Dick got up from his bed and got himself ready. Once he was prepped, he went downstairs and was met with Bruce reading a newspaper article at the table and his breakfast all set up. He thanked Alfred and sat down.

"Morning Dick," Bruce said as he ruffled my hair.

I scowled at him. "Morning Bruce. Morning Alfred." I said as I fixed my hair and got back to eating.

"Morning master Dick." Alfred said.

Bruce raised an amused eyebrow as he noticed my obvious excitement. "So are you ready to get your supplies and have some fun?" He said playfully.

I nodded vigorously, mouth to full to speak.

Bruce chuckled and nodded. "Alright chum," He said as he put down the newspaper. "We will be traveling by Floo powder, so get ready." That was the last thing he said before he left to get himself ready for the crowd that was sure to come.

This is one of the things I hate about having one of the richest wizard in the world as a dad. Well he is not that rich but who can tell. We have to deal with reporters and fans and mercenaries, it gets really annoying. Ever since I became part of his life, things have been hectic for me. Luckily I don't have to deal with them the whole time 'cause Bruce will lead them away from me.

I finished my breakfast and made my way to the living room. It mostly consisted of black tile floors and white walls, with black furniture and trinkets lying around. There was a chandelier made of crystal and a fireplace made of black stone. He saw Bruce sitting in the couch with a plain brown sack on his lap. He was waiting for me, I realized. 

Bruce must have heard my arrival because he got up from his seat and made his way towards the fireplace, gesturing for me to follow him. Bruce went first and grabbed a handful of green dust and threw into the fire. Once the flames turned a neon shade of green, he stepped inside them and yelled: "Diagon Alley!" And he was gone. (Correct me if I am wrong on this, it has been a long time since I have read Harry Potter.)

Since I knew how Floo travel worked, I followed his example and was transported to Diagon Alley. After he got a hold of his stomach, which unfortunately happens every time he Floo travels, he met up with Bruce outside. He didn't remember the name of the place they landed. The Leaky Cauldron, maybe?

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