"I'm actually gone" Part 2

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*this chapter is a little sad so brace yourself*

When we got back to the trap house you went straight up to Colby's old room to look for his laptop. When you found it you went onto his YouTube channel and uploaded the video that was on the USB stick. When it uploaded you watched it.

"Hey guys, It's Colby Brock if you're watching this video my best friend in the entire world uploaded it for me because I died. Now before you guys all start to assume that this is all a publicity stunt or whatever, it's not, I'm actually gone."

"You're probably wondering why I made this video if i'm dead, I wanted to tell you guys how much I love you and how much I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss all of you guys so much, like seriously so much. I want you guys to remember that even though I'm gone I'm still here. The 'Take chances, now or never' movement still being a thing. I seriously love you guys so much so here's some of my favorite memories from this channel, I love you guys. PEACE."

You had a few tears running down your cheeks. The fans are going to be so devastated. You got your phone out and went onto your Instagram story to post about the new video.

"Hey guys, new video out on Colby's channel. Get your tissues ready it's a sad one." You said to your phone and posted it on your story.

You flopped down onto Colby's bed and began to look through all of your old pictures. You put your head on the pillow and heard paper moving under it. You lifted the pillow up and saw and envelope that said 'watch when I die' on it. You quickly went downstairs to show all the roommates and Brennen.

"Guys Colby left us something to watch." You said looking at them all.

They immediately came over with a laptop. You opened the envelope and saw two USB sticks and a note. You took the USB sticks out and the note. On the USB sticks there was tape and on the tape there was writing.

On one of them it said:

Roommates and Brennen

And on the other one said:


You started reading the note.

All the roommates and Brennen watch the one that says roommates and Brennen and after they watch their's, watch your's Y/N

We put the USB stick into the laptop and started to watch the video.

"Hey guys, it's me, Colby. You were probably looking through all of my stuff and found an envelope that said 'watch when i die' on it."

"This is a little video that has little individual clips on for all of you"

"I'm going to start off with Brennen"

"Dude, we've had some crazy fun times over the past couple years, like all the songs that we reacted to, the first time I drank on camera, calling random numbers and a bunch more amazing things. I love you dude, I'm going to miss you #brolbyforlife."

"Now the trap house"

"Jake, Aaron, Corey and Devyn. You guys have been the best roommates ever, I couldn't have asked for better people to spend the past, what? Two years of my life with. You guys have been amazing. I love you all so much and I'm seriously going to miss you guys."

"Next, Sam"

"Dude I'm really going to miss you. Oh god, I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but here I am crying. We've been friends since we were 14, and dude that's been the best 8 years of my life. We've been on YouTube for almost 4 years now. I loved doing all the challenge videos with you and exploring all these abandoned places all over the world. I loved going on tour with you and meeting all of our beautiful fans. I love you so much dude."

"I love all of you and I will miss you all so much."

The video ended and everyone was crying. There wasn't a dry eye in that room. We took that USB stick out and put your one in.

"Before I start your one Y/N, put some headphones on and go into a room by yourself"

You followed the instructions Colby gave you and resumed playing the video.

"This is most definitely the hardest one. We have literally been friends our whole lives, that's 21 years of fun, and let me just say BEST 21 years of my life. I need to confess something right now, I've had the biggest crush on you since I was 10, I would always dream about getting married to you, I know cute right. I remember when you and your first boyfriend broke up when we were 15, you came to my house and cried to me for 1 whole hour. I wish I could of told you how much I loved you then. I loved the time we went to a little hidden park and played on all the equipment and the time when I tried to teach you how to skateboard and you fell off and scraped your knee, I literally thought you were going to die, I was so scared. I'm going to miss you the most out of everyone because I love you the most out of everyone. I always will love you the most and you know that. When I die, I want you to find someone who will love you like I love you and who will care for you the way I use to. I want you to live a happy life, Get married, Have children, Have grandchildren, grow old and then eventually die in the arms of you husband. smile every time you remember me. I want you to have my favorite beanie, my favorite hoodie, my favorite t-shirt and my rings, even though you won't fit the rings, I want you to have them to remember me."

" Y/N just because I'm dead and you can't see me, doesn't mean I'm not with you. I'm always going to be with you. I'm always going to be watching over you. I love you beautiful princess, I really do."

By the end of the video you were in tears. You wanted him back so bad. He was everything to you. You Miss him so much. You climbed into Colby's bed and re-watched the video. You fell asleep listening to his voice.

"I love you Colby, I'll be with you soon"


This is it, the last chapter of 'Colby Brock Imagines'.

Thank you to everyone who has read this really trashy book.

I'm sad this book has ended but like i said a couple days ago, 'i may or may not be writing a book' I'll keep you guys posted on that😉

Anyways, goodbye for now.

Love you chicken nuggets,


Colby Brock Imagines// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now