granny sick in bed jk she bad ass

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I reached Blank Manor (yes it's called Blank Manor, don't know why just is) and walked through the gates. It was a huge house made of red brick and had ivy covering most of it. I didn't need to knock on the door nor did I.
   The inside was mostly dark wood everything. And I was always gloomy because my grandma didn't like to open the curtain. And I asked her once and she said she didn't want things who knows what that means.
   "Robin!" Grandma yelled from the other room. Making me jump. She was standing in the doorway holding a fire poker.
   "Grandma what are you doing?" I breathed. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
   "I thought you were a thief. And what did I tell you about calling me grandma! It makes me seem like a commoner."
   "Why would you think I was a thief?" I ignored her jab at the rest of the city.
   "I have a feeling something is coming." She whispered. I rolled my eyes. It was normal for her to be like this.
   "Okay... well I brought the rent." I handed her the money my mom gave to me. She took it and placed it on a ugly tin can. I don't know why she would have a can right beside fine China but whatever. "Well I got to go so I'll see you later." I tried to walk back out the door.
   "Hold on a second, Robin, I already called your mother and she agreed for you to stay a couple nights as Hemming is on his vacation." (Hemming is the butler/caretaker)
   "Nah... you know how this old house freaks me out." I said waving off what she said. I tried to walk out the door. But she slammed it shut. For how old she was she was quick.
   "You don't have a choice, young man." She smiled. Damn!
   "I still have some of you clothes up in your room. They will be a little snug but you can sleep in those."
   "Fine, old hag." She hit me on the head and I ran up the stairs. I looked back and saw her peeking through the window. She has finally lost it. I thought.
   I went up stairs as she instructed of me.


   There was nothing to do in the house but read the old books in the library. And even then the books were just juarnals made by my family who once lived here. Some were close to furry porn. I mean everything. Someone wrote about getting fucked by a werepanther. Of course it was a female. She was vary descriptive.
   Grandma would every now and then come in and look out the windows. She would see what I was reading make a noise whether good or bad and leave.


   It was the middle of the night and something woke me. I knew it was my grandma doing something so I went down to investigate. I looked through most of the rooms and didn't find her so I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink.
   I was about to turn a corner when I nearly ran into grandma. No! Not grandma! I stepped in front of a guy. And not just any guy the one from the gasstation. The hot one. What was his name something Russian or German... Wolfgang.
   I was about to ask him what he was doing here when I saw what was in his hand: a tin can filled with cash.
   "What..." I couldn't form a complete thought.
   "Red." He said...smiling as if he was happy to run into me again. "Wait you live here?" His smile fell as he realized. But just then my grandma stepped out of a shadow. I don't know how I didn't see her but she was there.
   "Wolfgang!" She yelled, clearly vary angry but not to a point.  He turned enough to see her a little and she smacked him on the head with... an umbrella?

Robin "Red" HoodWhere stories live. Discover now