Chapter One

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Kagome's View

My mind is racing at a hundred miles per minute. I just saw him choose her. I can't stay here any longer, I don't belong here anyways...

I run as fast as my legs can carry me, blindly through the woods, with tears in my eyes. Without even noticing the scratches and bruises forming from the brush and constantly losing my balance, I felt so betrayed, witnessing the sight that had been before me. One last time, I finally tripped. I couldn't feel the strength to get up, everything hurt so bad. Laying there, over tree roots and hard stones, were not comfortable, but I did not care, as the heartbreak was much more of a wound than anything else.

It seems like I had stayed in that spot for hours, because I finally brought my head up and saw a faint light in the distance, indicating the sun was starting to rise. With many sharp pains in my body, I sit up, merely observe my situation. There were many rips in my clothes, and in my skin at that. Some dirt were in the cuts, which I would need to clean before they get infected, if they weren't already.

The well isn't that far away, so I get up to walk over to it, but there is so much pain in my steps, I must have hurt my ankle in the midst of running away from Inuyasha and Kikyo... The tears start forming again, as I think about all that's happened in my time here. There had been so many memories with Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and so many others. I don't want to leave them, but I know in my heart, that with Inuyasha, I have no place here. I belong with Mama in Tokyo.

I jumped into the well to take me home, where I will never see any of them again.

Landing back at the bottom of the well in my time, I stumble and fall. Something just has to be wrong with my ankle. I look at that ladder, and think 'This is gonna be just great". So I start up, and pain hits me hard. A scream calls from my throat.

"Kagome?!" I hear.

"Sota! Help me!" I say as he comes to inspect.

"Kagome! You're hurt. I'll get mama and help you up!" As he runs off.

It only takes a couple minutes before grandpa, mama, and Sota come back over to the well.

"Kagome, hold onto the ladder, and we will pull you up!" Grandpa says.


I hold onto the ladder and step on one rung with my foot that doesn't hurt, and I am starting be be pulled up.

'My hands are grinding against the stone wall of the well... but it doesn't seem to hurt. Maybe it's because of all those other injuries that I just don't feel so much pain...' I think to myself.

I lose myself in my thoughts and in just a blink of an eye, I'm being held by Mama.

"Kagome what happened! We need to get you inside!"

I felt dizzy, standing like that, and can hardly think. I try to respond to mama, but I can't.
Third person

"She passed out!" Sota said.

"Hurry Sota, help me bring Kagome inside! I'm not sure how long she's gonna make it."

They struggle as they bring Kagome along to the house. Sota has tears in his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment, because of the slight blood trail that Kagome is leaving.

Grandpa opened the door to let them into the house, while Mama and Sota set Kagome on their table. Mama ran to get the first aid kit, and Sota sat near Kagome, afraid of what may happen.

With Mama back, she told both boys to leave the room and set to work.

She peeled the shirt covered in blood off first. Then she started wiping the dried blood off her body and gasps at the excessive amount  of cuts and bruises she had. Tearing up a little, she shakes her head. She needs to take care of these first. "Thoughts later" she mumbles to herself.

About a half hour later, all the cuts have been cleaned and bandaged and Kagome is safe in her bed. Her breathing has steadied, and is sleeping peacefully.

Kagome's View

I wake up laid down in my bed. Looking around, I see multiple different bandages and bruises on my body, and didn't realize how serious my injuries actually were.

'I fucked myself up this time.. I just had to see him at that moment. Of course it's my luck, ever since the beginning, I know that I remind him of Kikyo every moment of the day. When I first saw Inuyasha at the Sacred Tree, he kept calling me Kikyo, and swore it was her scent as well.

But what can I really say, I couldn't even come close if I tried. She's a trained Priestess and I know nothing. Take the bow from me and I couldn't save myself from anything. Besides, we weren't even born in the same era. I don't belong with any of them anyways...' I thought.

Mama knocked and came into the room. I already know what's coming.

"Kagome... what happened? Who did this to you? Was it a demon? You've never had injuries this bad before... seeing you this way brought us all to tears..." she said in a gentle but pressing voice.

Tears already forming in my eyes, I respond, "It's my fault, Mama, I was spying on Inuyasha and saw him confess to Kikyo, and I was just so upset... I wasn't paying attention to anything when I ran away, I kept falling and running into things, and I just needed to leave. I don't belong there, in the Feudal era, I never have. I was foolish to think I could have had a chance with Inuyasha, or to be one of them... I don't think I can go back, not even to hunt for the Sacred Jewel Shards..."

Mama pulls me into a deep embrace, and it's comforting. We stay like that for a minute, and she says, "Kagome, you are strong. You are brave, and not just anyone can do what you do. You are living here, pursuing school and have your friends, while also getting those shards back to prevent the spread of evil in the feudal era... Few would be able to do that. You have a strong willpower, and I couldn't be any more proud of you. You are free to choose what you want to do, and I will always support you. I love you Kagome."

"I love you too Mama.. thank you, but I do not belong in the Feudal era, I think I should stay here. I should focus on my studies, because I am way behind as it is." I say with a yawn.

"Mama, I think I need sleep, I feel tired now..."

With a smile, Mama says "Sorry for keeping you up, have nice dreams Kagome, goodnight sweetie."

She left the room to let me sleep, and I was about to, when I saw the sacred jewel shards.

'Oh no... I should have left them back with Miroku... I'm gonna have to return them soon so they can make the jewel whole' she thought as she drifted to sleep.

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