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Title: Butterflies

>This kinda looks finished, but it's not. This is just the first half of this stupid drabble, and I don't like showing the unfinished other half with this, because I hate my own writing abilities, but whatever.

I doubt anyone's gonna read this though.

OC's: Fleur Heartstein, Rouge Kingyosō, Bo, Quentin Holmström, Odelle Kanakari



Butterflies began to swarm her as she struggled to stand. Blood dripped from the side of her mouth and onto the ground as her posture hunched, with her arms hanging loosely from her side.

Flowers began to grow rapidly on the places where her blood landed.

Rouge stood infront of Fleur, holding Bo the voodoo doll at her hand, who had alot of pins punctured on his stomach. She snarled at Fleur and punctured another pin to Bo's stomach.

Fleur barfed out blood and fell to her knees, clutching her stomach in pain. This needs to stop. This has to stop. She wants it to stop.

"Are you done being persistent, Heartstein?" Rouge asked the heiress with a glare.

"You wished," Fleur says inbetween coughs. Pain swallowed her voice whole, but her stubborness and persistence pushed through.

Rouge scowled, and added another pin. "When will you learn to give up?"

More blood came out of Fleur's mouth as her knees gave out, and now she just lays there as flowers began to bloom from the pool of red. "When I'm dead..."

"Stubborn like your father, how inconvinient and frustrating." Rouge walked over to Fleur, and she crouched down beside her. "His stubborn attitude became his downfall, too. Don't worry, Heartstein, you'll be joining your parents very soon in just a few moments."

Fleur tried to reach for her, but another pin made her hand burn up in pain. She pulled it back, clenching her teeth. The world is already fading in her eyes, and she's not leaving just like that. Not in this moment. Not now. Please, give her more time!

More butterflies began to swarm on the heiress for the flowers, and Rouge was getting pissed.

Time to end it all.

She was about to puncture the last pin she has, but a pressence stopped her. The air grew cold, and the smell of roses grew, and grew. She stood up, backing away from Fleur as the smell came from her, despite the flowers blooming from the heiress were nightshades and bluebells.

Rouge knows what pressence she's feeling, but she didn't expect them, to come so quickly... especially if they're so close. That's what's so dangerous about them, being too close means you effed up big time.

"Say, what is a human, like you, doing to our favorite little flower?" Rouge froze. She could hear him; his wings flapping loudly. The sound came closer, and closer from behind.

Rouge whipped her head back, to check if he's there. It was an Ulysses Butterfly; the only thing that was behind her. The rest of the butterflies were too busy swarming Fleur for the flowers that bloomed out of her blood. Rouge tensed as her eyes widen in shock and fear.

She backed up; away from the lone Ulysses and the swarm of butterflies. She has to leave. She needs to leave. She wants to leave, to escape, to run away.

But she can't.

Rouge stopped upon something hitting her back. She immediately jumped back, seeing a woman with a hard glare on her and dagger at hand.

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