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Title: Candy

OC/s: Peter Alberic B. Jones, Exodus Axel L. Jones, Scarlet Celestina Jones y Loughty

>Candy Children AU: AU where 14 specific OC's get kidnapped, tortured into insanity, and become psychopathic killers, that dress up as dolls, and throw candy at every corpse they just killed. Also they have this very annoying wicked grin, and act like freaking psycho children.

>Idk why, but I enjoy anything that involves angst and murder. ( ´ ー `)


   Peter picked up the heavily wounded Scarlet by her neck. His grin is wide and sinister, and the pair of eyes under the green tinted glasses are insane.

   Scarlet gripped his wrists tightly, an attempt for her, to make him let go.

   "Peter, please..." she begs as she choked at the grip, "please... don't..."

   The man, once called her husband, only giggled and tightened his grip. Before he went overboard, a sudden force made him drop Scarlet.

   She coughed and gasped for hair, rubbing her neck in pain. She looked up to see a nearly broken Exodus with a baseball bat at hand, standing infront of her.

   "Enough is enough, Peter." Exodus sneered, gripping the bat tightly.

   Peter only giggled again as he twirled the knife he held on his hand.

   "Exodus, don't..." Scarlet pleads, trying to stand up, but the pain forced her to stay down, "look at yourself..."

   "I don't care about the state I am in, Loughty," Exodus states, his voice mature and firm as ever, "all I care about is the mother figure my siblings and I need. The man before you is a threat, and it's my job, as a Project A.I., to eliminate all threats."

   Exodus charged at Peter, and swung his bat rapidly at the professor. Peter only giggled and dodged each one, mocking Exodus by pushing him to another direction, or swing his knife a bit too close.

   This irritated the twelve year old, as he continued to swing at him more furiously. It got to the point, where Exodus was thrown to the ground. Peter grabbed a sharp, metal rod and walked over to Exodus, who had his arms and legs tangled in some stray wires.

   "Nighty night," Peter whispers, with his grin growing and stabbed Exodus.

   But it never came.

   Exodus stared at the person above him.

   Blood came out of Scarlet's mouth as she hovered over Exodus, with one of the pole sticking out of her back and the other through her stomach. She looked at Exodus, and smiled at him with her warm green eyes.

   "And as a mother, I have to protect my children," Scarlet says, her long, black hair falling down the sides of her head, "even if I have to risk my life..."

   Exodus could only stare in shock, horror and disbelief. "No, no, you're not supposed to..."

   Scarlet took a hold of Exodus' cheek, and gently rubbed her thumb on it lovingly. Her smile didn't dare falter. "Take good care of your siblings for me, okay?"

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