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One great thing happened today.

I was tasked to collect the papers of my whole class, since we did a Science activity and I was the first to finish. Also because the teacher was annoyed at my classmates for talking during the whole period and not actually finish the activity. She even told them that this activity can be done in 35 mins (we had a shortened schedule) if all of them weren't talking to one another.

Our Physics Teacher (P.T) told me, that I have to pass the papers before lunch. But when lunch came, only 8-10% of my classmates gave me their paper and the others weren't close to their shit being done.

They asked me if I can pass the papers on dismissal, and I said, no. Because hell no am I gonna bring mine and other responsible peeps' grade down with them. Some managed to give me their papers last minute.

I reminded them (the one's who didn't pass), that I'll pass the papers immediately once I go down from the classroom (since my classroom is on the 4th floor).

They begged me to stay and wait for them for like… five times, but I was already hungry, so I reminded them again, and told them to find me in the gazebo before leaving.

Once I was downstairs, I gave P.T the papers, and told her that the others will give it to her themselves, and she told me that the others are on their own and she won't accept their late papers.

She then thanked me, and I left smiling like the sadist I am.

I was even laughing.

Then three of my classmates came to me 10-15 minutes after, with their papers. I told them, that I already passed the papers, and that P.T is in the faculty room. I watched them go, and I only laughed when I saw them try to persuade P.T to accept their late papers.

It happened to the others, too.

I only just laughed and said, "NOW, SUFFER." to them while they were outside the faculty room with P.T.

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