Chapter Fourteen | Cookies

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"What are you doing?" His voice caused her to jump, dropping the milk jug in her hands before she spun to face him with wide eyes.

"I was getting cookies." She breathed as he flipped the light on, revealing his shirtless body.

"I told you to call me if you needed anything." He grumbled as he picked up the jug of milk. "You can't be moving around so much, babe. And you're definitely not supposed to be using your crutches."

"I'm fine." She huffed, grabbing the package of cookies from the counter. "And you need to go to sleep. I'm fine, Matthew."

"You're still healing. Go lay back down and I'll bring these to you." He said as he took the cookies from her, turning to grab a glass from the cupboard.

She snatched the cookies from him. "No. You go lay back down. I didn't mean to wake you."

It'd been four days since she was released from the hospital and Matt spent every waking moment taking care of her. She forced him to go back to his classes after the weekend had passed, and knew he was growing tired with the weight of taking care of taking care of her and going to class.

Only, he'd woken up to her soft footsteps to the kitchen for the past three nights. It seemed she was always craving cookies.

"Babe." He warned as he turned back to face her, crossing his arms over his chest. "Put the cookies back and go lay down."

She found her gaze drawn to his chest and her mouth watered at the sight of his perfect figure. She knew he was spending time at the gym between his classes, and it was showing in his abs and strong arms. Only, she'd never seen him completely shirtless up until this moment.

She shook her head when his words registered in his mind, her gaze meeting his. "No. I can do this myself."

His stare gleamed with humor. "It's three in the morning. Go lay down."

She shook her head stubbornly. "I want to do this on my own."

"You're a pain in the ass." He shook his head, but sat the glass on the counter and stepped back, but his eyes didn't leave her figure.

She smiled cheekily at him and moved to pour herself a glass of milk before putting the milk back in the fridge. She ripped open the package of Chips Ahoy cookies when she stood next to him, offering him one.

He shook his head. "It's too early."

She narrowed her eyes at him, shoving the cookie in his face. "Eat the cookie, Matty."

His lips twitched with a smile at her adorable glare. He shook his head, pursing his lips as she tried to shove it into his mouth.

Her other hand hooked around his neck, holding his head in place as she smashed the cookie against his lips. Still, he refused to open his mouth.

"Ugh." She huffed in defeat. "Fine. Be that way."

He chuckled as she stepped away from him, munching on the broken cookie she'd tried shoving into his mouth.

Her heart warmed as he watched her and she narrowed her eyes at him, turning her back to him. "You're making me uncomfortable."

He laughed, a deep sound that boomed through the room and did dangerous things to her as her stomach erupted with those evil butterflies. "Why do you say that?"

"Watching me while I eat." She grumbled as he moved to stand in front of her once more. "It's not cool, man."

"Cut me some slack. I just woke up."

"So did I." She pointed out.

"Well, unlike you, I was awoken by a certain someone's inability to listen and stay in bed." He argued.

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