Star Gazing

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Shiro Kaneki X Reader
4 January 2019

You and your caring boyfriend Kaneki had just returned home to your shared apartment after being on a date to the bookstore together. Both of you had come home with quite a few books each.
"(Your Name)-Chan?" Kaneki asked.
"Mhm?" You hummed in response.
"Will you please put this on?" Kaneki questioned while handing you a blindfold.
"Why?" You questioned.
"You'll see." And with that, you tied the blindfold around your head until nothing was visible. You felt Kaneki pick you up gently into his strong arms and start walking, but eventually start running. You felt the icy night air graze at your face as you felt Kaneki jump a few times, presumably over buildings or obstacles. Eventually, you felt Kaneki gently lay you down onto the cool grass. Warm hands carefully slid the blindfold from your face.
"Open your eyes (Your Name)-Chan!" Kaneki said happily. You opened your eyes and gasped in awe. The dark sky was illuminated by hundreds of thousands of shining stars, twinkling in the night sky.
"It's so beautiful!" You practically yelled in amazement.
"I'm glad you like it." You heard Kaneki say, before warm lips pressed themselves against yours and a pair of arm wrapped themselves around you. You ran your fingers softly through his white locks as you two passionately kissed.
"I love you Kaneki-Kun." You said with a big smile as you two parted for air.
"I love you too."

Author's Note: Okay I know I'm bad at romantic stuff but I tried, have a nice day or night! 😜

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