Out With the Old, In With the New

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The following day, stretching in the middle of studio A, Richelle and Piper sat on the studio floor with their legs in positions that most people would consider impossible. They were waiting for their rehearsal to start, so Richelle was telling Piper a story about when she got her first pair of pointe shoes. "Okay, so I was standing in them and was super excited,"

"Of course." 

Richelle laughed as she spoke, "But I tried to turn in them instantly, with no ribbons or elastic on them yet," She stood up to try and demonstrate, and Piper stood too, stretching out her arms. Richelle continued, "I was all confident, until I lost my balance-"

"Oh God..."

Richelle pretended to wobble in her shoes, "I grabbed the curtain next to me and it broke straight away, then I like fell into shoe boxes that had custom made pointe shoes in. I literally squashed them all." Richelle covered her face in embarrassment and Piper widened her eyes.

" Richelle covered her face in embarrassment and Piper widened her eyes

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"I'd literally be so embarrassed, what did the shop owner do?"

Richelle dropped her hands, "Oh my God, she was not happy. She literally threatened to make my mom pay for all the shoes, even though they were fine!"

Piper covered her mouth but couldn't hold back her laughter, while Emily walked in from the office that she now shared with Michelle, swaying her hips with each step. She looked back at the window that until about a month ago, had been held together with layers of tape and plastic, from when Jacquie had smashed it with an office chair. They'd only been able to afford getting it fixed, because of the money raised from Emily's birthday party prom they'd held at the studio. Emily shook the memories from her head then smiled at the girls, "Hey! You two ready to rehearse?"

"Yeah, totally!" Richelle enthusiastically replied, getting herself up and going onto the tips of her pointe shoes again.Today they were supposed to be rehearsing Richelle and Noah's ballet duet they were going to do at their next competition. Piper was Richelle's understudy because Richelle had snapping hip syndrome, which basically meant that if Richelle overworked herself, she could put herself out of action. Piper was a dark horse at ballet, showing her talent only when people asked her to. She was probably, nearly as good as Richelle, she just needed to work at her pirouettes on pointe.

Piper nodded, eager to rehearse, "I've been practising my turns, and I had some ideas for the ending actually..." Emily nodded slowly, "Well I thought that instead of Noah just watching Richelle turn, he has his hands on her waist as she does, then once she's done, she can fall, and he could catch her?" Piper waited for a response.

After thinking quickly, Emily nodded, "It sounds good actually. Richelle?"

"Yeah totally."

Emily pointed at Piper, "Better get those turns looking beautiful just in case then Piper." Piper smiled, glad that she'd been able to contribute and be more than just the understudy dancer. Emily looked around the room, her smile disappearing, "Okay, but where is Noah?"

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