When The War Is Over

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Richelle and Noah's footsteps on the wooden floor seemed to be amplified, as the sound of their feet speed walking down the corridors, bounced off the walls. To avoid detection, both of the dancers tried to embrace their ballet backgrounds and walk as softly and quietly as possible. 

After a while of walking and becoming no wiser as to which direction was correct, Noah randomly began to pick up his pace and he jogged over to the corner of the wall. He pressed his back against it and Richelle copied him, apprehensive, and looking at him in a panic. She hissed, "What?" 

Noah shook his head at her and put his index finger to his lips. He had heard voices from afar and wanted to avoid a confrontation. Noah peered slowly around the corner and in the distance, as suspected, he could see a couple of guys talking. They didn't look too concerned about anything, so Noah presumed that no one had noticed he and Richelle had escaped yet. 

Eventually, the men went back into a room, so Noah reached for Richelle's hand and wiggled it to get her attention back. They started to walk down the next corridor in the opposite direction to where the men had been standing, after checking that it was clear of course. Noah looked at her and whispered as they moved, "Do you know the way?" 

Richelle shook her head in silence, clearly scared for her life. She stayed close by Noah's side even though he was in no state to protect her, even if he had to. She could tell his stomach was still hurting him, and one side of his face was red, but he wasn't making a fuss. It wouldn't be the first time Noah hadn't been honest about his injuries.

They rounded yet another corner in another corridor that looked identical to all the others they had been through, and Richelle sighed in irritation. She looked around, let Noah's hand go, and planted her feet to the floor, making Noah stop. She shook her head, "We're going in circles."

He didn't have time for Richelle to have a tantrum, "We need to try!" Noah reached for her hand again, but she snatched it away.

They were whispering louder than they should have been, "It's no use! Let's just go back before they notice we're gone. At least we know how to get out of the room now."

Noah shook his head, "What are you talking about?! We're not going back!"

Richelle stepped closer to him and crossed her arms, "You're hurt, we don't know where we're going, and if we get found, we're going to die." Her brutal honesty made Noah fall silent and look at the floor. She watched his head dip and gulped, "Sorry."

He shook his head, "You're right, but we can't give up.."

Richelle was still uncertain but realised there was more chance of them getting out if they actually tried, than if they went back to the room and just sat and waited for their fate. She nodded at Noah and gave him a small, apologetic smile to reassure him. They both continued walking to the end of the corridor, edging closer to the wall and lightly touching it as though it was going to protect them. Richelle stayed hot on Noah's heels, not wanting to become lost in this maze of a building. 

Once again, Noah looked around the corner, noticing that the doors on this new corridor were different. There was a large door at the bottom, with a push bar attached, to open it. What made Noah fill with hope was the sight of an emergency exit sign on top of it. This was their moment. 

He smiled, "Okay, come on." He stepped out and led the way, picking up his pace and for some reason, the song When The War Is Over came into his head. Their war really was over, and they definitely shouldn't take enemies for friends.

Noah gripped the push bar once he reached the door, pausing and knowing that it was likely an alarm would go off as soon as he opened it. They needed to act quickly. He turned around to Richelle, "We're gonna have to-"

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