Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Bella's POV

It has been two weeks since the three of us visited Washington D.C. to see the Cullen's one last time, before we would break them out of that prison. Right now we were on a plane again heading for Italy, once we got there we were going to rent a car and drive to Volterra. Victoria informed me, “We should be in Italy in three hours, it will take us about an hour to reach Volterra.” I sighed and said, “Okay, I just want to get this done and over with as soon as possible.” She informed me, “I do too.” Charlie said, “I hope they don't try to kill you, there's no way I will be able to protect you.” I sighed and said, “Charlie, I can protect myself, you know that already.” He said, “Yes, but I'm afraid your shield might fail you, it could happen, Bells.” I told him, “Please stop worrying, I'll be fine. Victoria will be at your side to protect you, she won't be leaving your side no matter what.”

I faced forward again and rest my head against the back of the seat, I almost fell asleep instantly. Edward appeared and said, “I believe your making a mistake, Bella. You simply can't trust them, the deal they make won't be one you will like.” I sighed before saying, “I won't go with their deal right away Edward, I plan on seeing the Delani's if I don't like what they want from me, but if they deny to help I won't have any other choice.” He sighed and said, “You must do what you must, I won't hold anything against you.” I told him, “I'm doing this all for you, Edward. I hope you realize that.” He said, “I do, I just don't want to see you get hurt.” I responded, “I won't, I have my shield and I know it won't fail me.” He asked, “How can you be so sure?” I answered, “Because I kn...”

I woke up to Victoria shaking me lightly and she said to me with a wary smile as she saw I was awake, “We're here, Bella.” I sighed and said, “Okay, let's get going then.” The three of us grabbed our stuff and got in line, we had to wait to get off the plane. When we got to the car rental place we got waited on right away, within just fifteen minutes we were on the road heading towards Volterra. I looked between Victoria and Charlie to see worried expressions on their faces, then I looked back at the road and asked, “How much longer until we reach, Volterra?” Victoria replied, “In an half an hour.” I sighed and said, “I want to get this over as fast as humanly possible, I don't like being around those leeches.” Victoria said, “You're not the only one, Bella.” I remained silent for the rest of the trip and stared out the window, I watched as the trees whizzed by as I counted down the seconds until we would reach Volterra.

About thirty minutes later we pulled to a stop in a parking lot in front of a mall, there was complete silence in the car for almost a minute. I finally said, “Well, I guess we should get going. How far is the Volturi's castle from here?” Victoria responded, “It's about eight blocks from here.” I told her, “I think we should use the tunnel under the clock tower, I think I remember the way there.” Victoria sighed and said, “Okay, but do know if there will be any vampires in the tunnel?” I responded, “No, There wasn't any in the tunnel last time. I will be leading the way though, so I can protect us quickly if needed.” She had an unsure look on her face, but she didn't say a word to object to it. We got out of the car and headed down the street, we had to go down a few blocks and take a left.

After walking for about fifteen minutes the clock tower came into view, I heard Victoria take an unneeded breath because she was nervous about seeing the Volturi—she knew things could go wrong in less than a second. I told Victoria, “I want you to stay by Charlie's side, Victoria, no matter what. If they lung at me, stay by Charlie and protect him.” She told me, “It's a vampire's instinct, Bella, we will always protect our mate over anything else.” I replied, “I know that all too well, Victoria.” Victoria looked around and said, “No one's watching, we can head inside.” We didn't want any of the Volturi spotting us heading inside because that could spell trouble for us, I had no idea what would happen if they did.

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