Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Bella's POV

It has been a week since we visited the Volturi and now we're heading to Alaska to visit the Delani coven, I just hope they'll agree to help us because I didn't want the spend the next two centuries with the Volturi. I looked at the road ahead of us as Victoria sped down the long highway, there wasn't a cop in sight. We used Edward's Volvo for the trip, the vehicles Charlie and I owned were just too slow; besides, Victoria could get us there in less than eight hours. Charlie was in the front with Victoria and I was in the back seat, I ended up falling asleep.

I called out, “Edward! Where are you?!” He replied with a laugh, “I'm right behind you.” I turned around and smiled at him, I told him, “The Volturi told me there conditions to helping me.” He asked, “What are they?” I answered, “I have to serve them for two centuries.” He asked, “Have you gone to the Delani's?” I answered, “We're on our way there right now.” He sighed and said, “Tanya had a thing for me, she was always show me her thoughts on having sex with humans. I was just plain repulsed by her.”

After a few seconds of silence he said, “I hope they help you, I don't want to see you with the Volturi. I don't trust them, they may trick you into staying longer.” I told him, “I know, but I just won't have a choice if the Delani's won't help.” He sighed and said, “Okay Bella, do what you have to.” He wrapped his arms tightly around me, I enjoyed how close I was to Edward knew I really was just dreaming. I pulled away and saw his eyes were full of sadness, so I asked, “What's wrong, Edward?”

He took a deep breath after a moment and answered, “Alice was raped a week ago, but she had been tortured first because she killed a guard. She had attacked him, she became so thirsty she couldn't control it anymore.” I told him, “I don't blame her, I believe they deserve that for treating you guys that way.” He said, “I don't know how longer I'm going to be able to take it as well, my throat just burns with thirst and the scent of humans is so overwhelming it's driving me mad.” I held him close and said, “I won't judge you if you do attack one, I'll love you no matter what.” He smiled up at me and said, “I love you so much, Bella.” I smiled back and said, “I love you too, Edward.”

I was shaken awake lightly by Charlie who said, “We're here, Bella.” He took step back and I took in the view, there was a big house similar to the Cullen's and it was surrounded by woods. I took a deep breath and asked, “Are you two ready?” They nodded their heads in yes, then I told Victoria, “I want you to stay by Charlie's side no matter what, even if they come after me protect Charlie.” She nodded her head and said, “Okay, I will.” I sighed and said, “Good, now let's go knock and have a talk with them.”

Edward's POV

I told my family, “I just can't take it anymore, I'm so thirsty.” Jasper said, “We know how you feel, I'm sure all of us feel the same way.” Esme began crying tear-less cries because the doctors had tied her up and they all had their way with her, I could see in her thoughts she wanted to die right now. They hadn't gone after Rosalie yet, they were afraid she'd put up a fight and would end up killing them. Carlisle tried to hold Esme, but she just pushed him away as she continued to cry; I'm sure it would be a long time, before she would allow him to touch her intimately. Carlisle glanced up at me and noticed I was staring at him, he turned away and focused his attention on his wife.

My eyes snapped to Alice as she said, “Bella just arrived at the Delani's place, I have no idea how Victoria would be able to find it since she's never been there before.” I asked her quickly, “What did you all see?” Alice replied confused, “All I saw was her arrival, I can't see anything after that. It's like something's try to block me, I just don't understand why I can't see her future now.” I stated, “The wolves must of followed her, you know you can't see past the wolves.” Jasper said, “I wish we could warn her, but there's nothing we can do.”

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