Chapter Thirteen

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Bella's POV

Edward held me in his arms as we laid together in our room; it pleased me that I had a year off to spend with Edward before joining the guard. A month has passed since Alice started planning our wedding, but she was frustrated we hadn't set a date yet. He whispered in my ear, "I can't wait until we're married, then I can call you my wife." It brought a smile to my face. We would officially be together forever. He placed a kiss on my cheek; if I were a mortal, I would be as red as a tomato.

Suddenly Alice burst through the door without knocking, which was one of her annoying habits I would never get used to ever. Before she could say a word, I asked, "Don't you know how to knock before entering a room?" She replied, "I knew you two weren't busy." I informed her, "It's called proper manners." She rolled her eyes at me, then said, "Okay, next time I'll knock. Now, I wanted to talk to you about your wedding. We need to set a date." Edward spoke, "How about a fall wedding?" Then I asked, "Do you think it would be okay to invite my mom and step-dad?" Alice said, "I don't see why we can't." Then I questioned, "Should I go talk to Aro about it?" Edward replied, "That might be a good idea. I'll go with you." 

Alice interjected as we began leaving the room, "We still didn't set a date." I told her, "You should come with us. You'll need to okay the date with them since they're the ones who will be ordaining us. She sighed and said, "Okay," then she remained silent as we headed towards the throne room. Aro, Marcus, and Caius looked up at us in surprise because they weren't expecting us. I didn't understand how I was going to approach the subject, since I didn't know how they would feel about two humans coming to the Volturi Castle.

A few seconds later, Alice spoke, "Edward and Bella have decided on a fall wedding, but I knew I needed to talk with you about setting the date." Aro looked over at me and said, "I think September would be perfect." I asked, "How about the 21st of September?" Marcus spoke this time, "That will work just fine." Alice said a little cheery, "Alright, we finally have a date set." We watched as the pixie left the room; you could tell she was way too energetic.

Suddenly Aro asked, "Did you have something to ask us, Bella?" I sighed and said, "Yes, I do. I wanted to talk about if it would be okay to invite my mother and step-dad." He turned to look back at his brothers for a moment, then he looked back at me and asked, "Do they know about vampires?" I responded, "The whole United States knows." Aro mumbled out, "That's true, isn't it." He thought it over for a moment and said, "Well, if they come here, they can't stay human. You'll have to give them a choice." I informed them, "I guess I'll have to think long and hard about it. It's a big decision."...

My cell phone started ringing a few hours later, and I noticed it was my mother. Edward quickly left the room to give me some privacy. When I hit accept, she said, "Hey, Bella! How are you doing?" I responded, "I'm splendid." She asked, "How is Edward?" I told her, "He's adjusting pretty well. We spend most of our time together." She then inquired, "Is he there right now?" I told her, "No, he left so I could talk to you alone. We need to discuss something important. Edward and I are going to be getting married in September." My mom replied, "That's great, dear." Then I informed her, "You and Phil can come, but you two cannot stay human if you do." My mother sighed before saying, "Well, I'd have to talk to Phil about it first, but I'm willing to become a vampire. I'd want you to do it because I trust you."

After thinking it over, I told her, "That's probably an excellent idea since I'll never lust for blood. I'm not just your regular vampire. I'm an angelic vampire. When vampires wake up from the transition, they usually have red eyes and not golden brown like I did." She asked, "Will I be an angelic vampire if you change me?" I sighed before replying, "I don't know, mother. We will find out. Just talk it over with Phil and let me know what you two decide." She told me, "I will, honey. I'll talk to you later. I love you." I responded before ending the call, "I love you too. Bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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