Chapter two ~ The News

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Fallon was freaking out. You'd think someone so glamorous and hard shelled would be able to simply put up another front and cope. Not this time. This time she was nervous and scared and... sweating? She never sweats. This was a situation where she needed... well never mind. Her dad will find out soon enough.

She could hear footsteps echoing down the hallway. Fallon pinched her eyes and shook her head hard, wondering why on earth she chose to tell him now. There was so delaying it now, he was getting closer by the second.

Momentarily, she caught a glimpse of a rosé sitting on the table and pondered how long it would take her to down the whole bottle. After all it would calm her nerves.

"Fallon?" she heard him calling from just outside the door,"You down here?"

Fallon took a long deep breath and shook her hands as if she were limbering up for a fight.

"I'm in here daddy", she called out in her 'I'm a daddy's girl tone of voice'.

Less than a second later, the door knob turned and Blake strode into the wine cellar hands on hips, with a look that could only have meant,'what now Fallon?'

She looked at him, and took a step forward.

"Daddy?"she said,"there is something I wanted to inform you... of and I don't know... quite how it's gonna go but," she paused and grimaced at her father blank and clearly oblivious expression.

"I...i-," she stuttered. She couldn't do it. No she'd wait until another time. Not now.

"I like girls," she spluttered. She grimaced again, squinting as though she needed a strong pair of glasses. It just happened. It flew out of her mouth like it was just another unwanted, judgmental (comedic in her opinion) comment from Fallon Carrington.

Fallon waited, standing there for what felt like hours, waiting for the, unusually predicted, look of surprise to fade on her fathers face.

"Dad?" she was almost pleading for a better response from the man who raised her.

Out of nowhere, breaking the silence he stumbled over his words and said,"Both of you? Really?"

Fallon just stared in awe. That's all he has to say, she thought, wow.

"God how have I raised my children to both be gay? Did it come from your mothers side as well as your sharp tongue I wouldn't be surprised!" Blake scoffed and rolled his eyes.

She was speechless. This wasn't at all what she expected her father to say. Maybe somewhere between a full on melt down and a speech from a stereotypical gay teen film but not this.

Blake was pacing the floor of the wine cellar looking down at his feet, hands still on his hips. Clearly he was just trying to take it all in. It's big information for before eleven o'clock in the morning, she supposed.

"Do you know what maybe it's your mother? Alexis and Crystal have been at each others throats since crystal got here, for all I know they're going at it right now?!" Blake threw his arms up and sat down on a nearby stool.

Fallon stared at him in disbelief. "God how could you even joke about something like that that's just-" she stopped talking to let out a sob before grabbing the bottle of rosé from the table and walking out of the room, heels echoing as she went.

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