Chapter 13

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"Nicole everything okay?" Helena asks.

"Do you remember when I was 13 years old and I had a problem?"

"There was a lot going on with you when you were 13 years old."

"Let's cut it short.. She's wondering if Bella is having some kind of ugh... Hell I don't know what to call this shit." I say.

"What's wrong with her?" Helena asks.

"She's talking about punishing people with handcuffs and who knows what else." I say.

"Has she discovered sex?"

"Yes and no.. She's not having sex but she knows tooooooo much about it." Nicole says.

"Too much like what?"

"Let's just say she's being learning more that just math, English, science and history.. Her science is high level."

"Right.. Well Nicole you discovered sex at a pretty young age as well.. You even.."

"HEY HEY HEY!! That's enough information.. Thank you." Nicole interrupts her.

"No.. Tell me more?" I say and we all start to laugh.

"Hey." I hear a voice say and everyone looked.

"Ugh.. Hi.. Nick how are you?" I ask

"Wow.. He looks like you." Helena tells Nicole.

"Yeah.. He looks like dad more and more everyday."

"Hi mom." Nick hugs Nicole.

"Hello my prince." Nicole says.

"Your only prince?"

"Yes indeed."

"Hi Aunt Helena." Nick says.

"Hey baby."

"Can I have some cake and ice cream?" Nick asks me.


"Hey where is your mom?" Nicole ask.

"She had to go back and get my backpack.

"Okay.. Beautiful can you fix him some ice cream and cake please?" Nicole asks me.

"Sure thing baby.."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Nicole Nick has been feeling a little sick lately.. His medicine is in his bag."

"What's wrong with him?" Nicole ask.

"He caught the stomach virus from one of the kids at school and he throws up sometime.. But the stomach virus is gone he just needs to finish his medicine."

"Okay.. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course.. I don't want Bella or the twins getting sick."

"Right.. Hey can he stay the whole week? I miss him."

"Sure.. I'll get Alec to bring him some more clothes for the week."

"Oh he has plenty here in his room."

"Right.. Well I guess I'll head back to work.. NICK!" Brittany yells.

"Yes mom?" He comes running.

"You're going to stay with your mom for the rest of the week and please my dear.. Behave.. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." He says.

"I'm serious Nick, no back talk."

"I said yes ma'am."

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