Detention? Maybe Not?

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Great! School is about detention today. Yay! I'm going to get punished.

You thought, as you get ready for school. You went downstairs and eat breakfast, trying to hide your thoughts, but your mom noticed you

"(Y/N), what's bothering you?"

"It's nothing mom." Your mom sigh.

"There is something. You're usually really active."

"I said it's NOTHING MOM!" You said pushing the table. You put on your shoes and open the door, slamming it to the wall and you walk down the streets, you can feel the anger inside you burning, but at the same time you feel guilty inside.

Why did I shout? To mom! Argh! What kind of child am I?!

Your anger rises inside you, without hesitation you kicked a rubbish bin beside you. Hitting your head.

"I'M SUCH A BAD CHILD! I don't deserve anyone! I don't!" You shout whilst crying. You sit down, leanning your back against the wall, putting your knees up to your chest, crying. Until you felt someone's presence beside you, you didn't move a bit, you didn't mind the person next to you.


"No! Leave me alone!"

"(Y/N)," you feel a hand touch yours.

"No...I don't deserve anyone."

"Shh. Don't cry, darling." By the word 'darling' you already know it's Tom, but you didn't want him to be with you. You wanted to be alone.

"How do you know what I've been through? Just leave me alone!" You said sobbing trying to make him go away, but he stayed.

"Darling, it's Tom. Come on, don't cry. We need to go to school and it's starting to rain. I don't want you to catch a cold." He said still holding you in his arms.

"Okay..." you said, you looked at him. He then wiped your tears. There's just nothing you want to do other than hug him. So you did.

"Shh. It's okay. Come on, let's get going." He said helping you up.

"What happen?" He ask tilting his head to one side, curiously.

"Don't even ask." You said still keeping your head down.

You arrived at school and sat on your chair beside Tom. The teacher came in and start the class. Until one of the janitor came in your class

"Miss (L/N)?"

"That's me." You said raising your hand.

"The principal wants your presence in his room." You sigh.

"In a minute..." You shove all your stuff in your bag and zip it, leaving it in your chair. You walked outside the classroom and into the principal's room.

"(Y/N), I believe you can explain this?" He said showing you your dagger.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I really am. Yesterday, as I was on my way out of school. Tony came and he did something I don't want to do, so I'm forced to doing that." You said, in a disappointed tone.

"I know that you've been in such pressure lately," he sigh, "I forgive you. Here's your dagger back, but promise me something, don't block my CCTV. Ok?"

"Ok sir." You took your dagger and head out of the room. You checked your watch to see if you been there long enough and you also realize that you just skipped math class, which makes you really happy.

Thank god I skipped math class. I haven't finished my assignment yet.


"Huh?" You turn around to see Tony, "get. Back. In. Your. Class. NOW!" You said whilst pointing your dagger to him. "I GOT CALLED INTO THE PRINCIPAL'S ROOM THANKS TO YOU!" You said still pointing your dagger at him.

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